Wounding charge lands man in prison

Emmol Fox, of Lot 94 Regent and King Streets, Georgetown, was remanded to prison on Wednesday after he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged for wounding.
The 46-year-old man denied the charge when it was read to him by Magistrate Faith McGusty. The charge stated that on May 21 at King Street, Georgetown, he inflicted grievous bodily harm on Ithacan Santool.
The prosecution’s case stated that on May 21 the Virtual Complainant (VC) was on King Street shopping when he was attacked by Fox, who dealt him several chops about his body and face with a cutlass.
In court on Wednesday, Fox was represented by Attorney-at-Law Ronald Daniels, who informed the court in a bail application that his client has mental health issues, and he was expected to seek medical attention at a psychiatric ward. Bail was nevertheless refused after a video was provided by the VC to the court, showing the attack. Fox will return to court on June 19, 2019.