Young and budding entrepreneur Tyrese Jeffrey, Manager/Owner of the Woven Texture Barber Shop at 3rd Avenue Diamond, East Bank Demerara, is sponsoring the staging of the inaugural Sports Extra Inter-Village Football Competition.
Owner of Woven Texture Barber Shop, Tyrese Jeffrey (left), handing over sponsorship to Franklin Wilson
In handing over his sponsorship to Director of Sports Extra, Franklin Wilson, at the Barber Shop, Jeffrey said he was very happy to be approached to sponsor the event, even though his business is still ‘very young’.
“Woven Texture Barber Shop is happy to support this tournament, which will bring together teams along the East Bank corridor and the Linden-Soesdyke Highway. Sports have a way of uniting people, and I am happy to be part and parcel of this venture. As I know, many players would be afforded the chance to play for their village, and this in itself will bring out the pride, as they would want to show who is better in a positive way,” Jeffrey declared.
This young entrepreneur has said he has no doubt that the members of the various communities would come out in support of their respective teams.
Wilson, in response, thanked Jeffrey and Woven Texture Barber Shop for supporting the tournament, which he promised would be very competitive.
He explained that each participating village would be required to register a total of 25 players and 3 officials, and only players living in the respective villages would be allowed to play for the village team.
Registration to participate in this tournament will close on March 11th.
The winning village will walk away with $400,000; the losing finalist will walk away with $200,000; third place winner would receive $120,000, and 4th place winner would get $50,000. The top individual players: Best Goalkeeper, Highest Goal Scorer and Most Valuable Player, would also each be rewarded with cash and a trophy.
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