YBG’s National Youth Basketball Championship set to commence today

Glimpse of what to expect

The Youth Basketball Guyana(YBG) is hosting National Championship 2023, showcasing the best of high school basketball as part of the ExxonMobil’s National Schools Basketball Festival.
This tournament will see 40 schools, consisting of 56 teams within four divisions — U14, U16, and U18 boys, and U18 girls — showcasing their local talent at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue today, Saturday July 1.
Organizer of the tournament, Chris Wayne Bowman, emphasised the work that had to be put in to facilitate the tournament. “It’s a real team effort, and I want to use this opportunity. Many of them are past student-athletes who received much from this game, and now they are giving back; so, I honour you,” he said.
This tournament is sponsored by ExxonMobil, Youth Basketball Guyana, Regional Conference Champions, National Sports Commission, Beharry Limited, and G-Boats Guyana.