“You have to be multiskilled and multitalented” – Labour Minister to young people

Noting that there are many job opportunities across the country, Labour Minister Joseph Hamilton recently encouraged youths to take up employment in areas that may be considered outside their district.
He was at the time addressing a gathering at a seminar on conditions of work, occupational safety and health (OSH) requirements and employment exchange service at the Regional Democratic Council of Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara).
“As I travel this country, I make this point to young people, more so, us rural people. You know I’m a country boy and I understand that how much we like our village bad, bad, bad. You cannot be crying in Region Three that you have a difficulty finding jobs and you have in the papers, vacancies for your skill set in Berbice and you don’t want to go the work,” the Labour Minister contended.
“And you know we go to America and we travel three hours to get to work but we don’t want to leave our village and go and work some place and come home weekend…and for you, young people, we have to be mobile employees,” the Minister added.
Further sharing his thoughts on how young people can make themselves more marketable, the Labour Minister encouraged them to expand their skill set.
“I believe a person with one skill will not survive the world…you have to be multiskilled and multitalented, you have to be able to recognise that you can move from one profession to another,” Hamilton expressed.
Additionally, the Minister reiterated his call for more women to take up jobs in fields that are dominated by men.
“The society and us males, we have done an injustice to women that we have to correct. We have fashioned and taught women that this is the only type of job for you, this is the only type of training for you…so my encouragement to females is think outside the box. Don’t stay in this narrow path men has defined for you.”