Young Guyanese gets article featured in book launched in India

By Devina Samaroo

Young Guyanese Rafael Boodhoo has accomplished a great feat, having his very first publication prominently featured in a book launched by the Amity Law School, New Delhi, India.

Young Guyanese Rafael Boodhoo

“Words can’t possibly express how inspired I feel right now,” Boodhoo stated during an interview with Guyana Times.
Boodhoo, 26, of Great Diamond, East Bank of Demerara (EBD), is currently in India where he is pursuing an MBA at the Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University.
The publication, entitled “The Disruptive Potential of Artificial Intelligence; Something to Ponder Upon”, provides perspective to young people who are at that critical point of planning their careers.
It was co-authored by his friend and classmate, Shantanu Narain.
The article is one of several in the book titled “Artificial Intelligence, An Inducement of Technology in Human Affairs” which was launched as part of a grand cultural ceremony called “Srijan – A Genesis of Indian Politics”.
The book itself is a collection of scholarly articles from students, research scholars, academics and various industry experts and seeks to highlight the impact of Artificial Intelligence on contemporary society.
Apart from it being heavily skewed to influences in the legal industry, the book also features applications to other industries as well, such as medical, management, engineering, social sciences, etc.

What is the article about?
According to Boodhoo, the article seeks to highlight some important considerations when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI).
“When we hear AI, we automatically refer to those glamorised Hollywood depictions of a utopian society where man and machine live in complete harmony and there is a seamless interaction between the two and our minds race toward the possible applications to business and how easy things will become for us,” Boodhoo explained.
“However, AI is changing all landscapes as we know it and much sooner than later, we will find ourselves at a turning point where what we once considered to be ‘normal’, will only be a distant memory of less civilised days.”
Boodhoo explained that there are things to consider before making those choices as expectations are continuously evolving at an equal rate to advancements in technological capabilities.
He noted that this especially comes at a critical time when Guyana is expected to be launched into a developmental exodus with the advent of the emerging oil and gas industry.
“Therefore, apart from the production of this article, I am personally endeavouring to learn and identify ways we can make our own human capital more competitive so that we can aid the sons and daughters of our country to reap the benefits of her soil.”

Where did the idea come from?
The story behind the article being published is quite simple. Boodhoo’s friend Shantanu, a former student of the Amity University, approached him one day with the proposal.
“Coincidentally, I had just completed an internship as a Consultant at a Technology Consultancy Company in New York just one month prior so my insight on AI and its applications had already been nurtured and developed.”
Boodhoo said he accepted the offer without hesitation, as he was excited to have his very first publication.
The article was completed in one night, after the duo worked for four continuous hours.
“It was my interests for application of human capital development back home and my colleague’s passion for his practice as well as his dynamic industry experience that served as the driving force to complete our small project,” Boodhoo pointed out.

Who is Rafael Boodhoo?
Boodhoo is currently employed as an assistant administrative officer of the Guyana Water Inc.
He is on study leave pursuing his MBA Degree at the Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University, through a Commonwealth Scholarship.
Boodhoo is a proud former student of the St Joseph High School and he also holds a BSc Public Management Degree from the University of Guyana.
His aspirations in life are simple – to be as helpful and inspirational as he can to all those he meets along his journey in life.
“I do not believe my aspirations are those of a typical business school student, rather than simply aiming for the top seat in the corporate world, I find that my motivations are more of a nonmaterial nature,” he stated.
However, he has a burning passion to play a role in the transformation of his country.
“It is disappointing to know how far behind we as a country are, so it is my intention to try to improve this state with whatever resources I can produce to aid its advancement,” he posited.
“My main inspiration is the development of our human capital component so that we as a country can be more competitive with the rapid exposure to ‘real globalisation’ to come with our emerging oil and gas industry and to help equip our own youths to be more competitive and enjoy its benefits that are so eagerly anticipated.”