Youth Empowerment – A necessity and driver for critical changes in our communities

Dear Editor,
I wish to bring the above subject matter to your attention and that of the readers by outlining how fundamental this area is for the development and growth of our country. The voices of young people are imperative for changes in society and for a better and brighter future, as they will be the leaders and reapers of the next generation.
Hence, their contributions on matters that involve them should be of highest the value as the decisions and actions that are taken today will shape the future of their tomorrow.
Oftentimes, young people are given the back seat in institutions, organisations, and society in general as they are perceived as not being as experienced and capable as their superiors. However, the more we empower our young people, the more we involve them in decision-making processes, and the more we give them attention and show them interest, only then I believe we can have better leaders of tomorrow. We can only solve the issues our young people are facing by having them play integral roles in our Government and society.
Nonetheless, we can only do this by providing them with opportunities through forums, discussions, and platforms where their voices can be heard. There are many young people who have a passion for change and make worthwhile impacts in their communities or who desire and dream of a better life but their circumstances have limited them and silenced their voices.
It is time that we represent and focus our attention on young people from all walks of society, especially the less heard and marginalised. This is the only way that we will be able to make a difference and meaningful impact.
Moreover, young people are the seeds of today that will flourish into blooming plants of tomorrow but if we don’t water them and give them the right support that they need today, then we will not have anything to look forward to when tomorrow or the future comes. The old generation is passing away and a whole new world has arrived before our eyes. Things have shifted drastically over the past few years and young people are at the pinnacle and focus point of this demanding transformation.
Therefore, instead of suppressing the voices of young people, we should nurture them and offer safe and open spaces for them where they can be able to share their experiences and be creative in leading innovation, development, progress, and growth in their local communities, and at the national and regional level.
The young generation of today should not be stereotyped as too young or immature, for that slang has become a cliché in recent times as this era of young people is much more erudite than many of the older folks.
Hence, the emphasis is on the point that we can only reach these young people by including them at the tables where matters concerning them are being discussed. However, over the course of my time, I have observed that instead of fuelling the passion and enthusiasm of young people, older folks look for ways that they can keep them within their lane and thus, limit their capabilities to grow and soar.
Listening to our young people is crucial in implementing initiatives and strategies to resolve and address issues that affect them today and to prepare them for a greater tomorrow. I, therefore, plead with Government agencies, religious organisations and other institutions to be more considerate when it comes to activities and decisions that can impact and influence the lives of our youths.

Imran Bacchus