Youth sentenced to time served for felonious wounding of former boxer

Twenty-one-year-old Otis Slowe, facing a charge of felonious wounding committed on former national boxer Gladwin Dorway in 2019, has been sentenced to time served on remand.
When Slowe appeared on Thursday before Demerara High Court Justice Navindra Singh, he pleaded guilty to the charge, and Justice Singh noted that the five years he had spent on remand as he awaited trial could be deemed equivalent to a sentence.
“In the circumstances, the sentence imposed will be time served,” Justice Singh ruled. That ruling meant that Slowe would not serve additional jail time.
Attorneys Muntaz Ali, Madana Rampersaud, and Christopher Belfield prosecuted the case.

Otis Slowe has been sentenced to time served

The incident involving Slowe and Dorway took place on the night of November 19, 2019 when Dorway, aka “Tiger”, and Slowe, then 17 years old, had a confrontation on Graham Street in Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
During the altercation, Slowe pulled out a knife and stabbed Dorway before fleeing the scene. Dorway was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital, while Slowe was arrested and charged.
Slowe’s arrest followed a turbulent period in his life. Before this incident, he had been charged with attempted murder, and had been remanded to the Juvenile Holding Centre, from whence he escaped and remained at large for nearly seven months before being recaptured in a police operation at Ogle, East Coast Demerara.
Now 21, Slowe’s sentencing brings closure to a case that has been pending since his teenage years. The decision to sentence him to time served reflects the significant duration he has already spent in custody, closing a lengthy chapter in his involvement with the justice system.