Youths celebrate Swarswattie Jayanti with Bacho-Ka-Satsangh 

Scores of Hindu youths on Sunday converged at the Aurora Mandir in Region Two to observe the auspicious Hindu day of Swarswattie Jayanti, also called “Vasant Panchmi,” or “the beginning of spring”.
They recited dhoons and chants, were involved in story-telling, and sang religious songs in adoration of the Hindu Goddess Mother Swarswattie. Members of the Essequibo Coast Dharmic Nawjawan were also on hand to educate the youths on the significance of the day.
The occasion presented a great opportunity for youths to interact with other youths from various mandirs, during which they asked questions about things which they were not sure about, and were given relevant answers.
“Swarswattie Jaiyanti”, a day designated to this Hindu Goddess, is observed annually. It is a day in which youths make special efforts to be involved in prayers, since this is the Hindu Goddess that bestows knowledge and wisdom to mankind.
Mother Swarswattie can be identified from the other Gods in Hinduism by her white apparel and the “Veena” she holds in her hand. She is also the consort of Lord Brahma, who is the Creator of the Universe.
Various mandirs also had services to commemorate this auspicious day.