
…for Caribbean citizens
We just heard the Caricom confab of their HoG’s ended on a “high-note”. But perusing the comments of the Chairman, it does appear that the word “high” might be describing the state induced in the leaders through inhaling spliffs of that good old “Jamaican Gold”. It’s also been said to have medicinal value, in addition to its sacramental one – both of which may be needed if the Caricom HoG’s really believe the stuff they spouted.
Then again, the “high” may be referring to that high-pitch that enters people’s voices when they get all frantic and all – as in “the confab ended on a shrill note”. The frantic feeling can arise when leaders get their underwear in a knot, trying to figure out what the heck to tell the Caribbean people what they were doing the last few days. Ouch!! The best they could do was the “discussions were successful”. Of course they were!!!This is what Caricom does best – “discuss”.
Haven’t they been “discussing” for the past 44 years? These are politicians and spouting hot air is their speciality. Citizens aren’t impressed. They know talk is cheap cause its value – like of most things – is inversely related to its supply! For instance, we heard about the constraint of air connections on the main product of the Region – tourism. Well… halleluiah!!
Hasn’t this been the constraint since 1973? So now that we’ve failed separately – Guyana Airways, Air Jamaica, BWIA, and LIAT – did the “discussions” lead to an agreement for ONE Regional airline in which every member has a stake? Of course not! This is Caricom and talk’s the thing!! They called on COTED – Council on Trade and Development – to meet and DISCUSS what can be done on “air transportation”!
Another discussion was on “the crime situation”. And what’s to be done? Well, the HoG’s will order some more studies to find out what’s the source of the burgeoning crime rate in the Region!! The studies, of course, will supplement the others that have been done since 1973. A new Annex might have to be built – in addition to the one already built and occupied – to house all the studies on this and other “hot” topics.
On the matter of what the organisation was actually formed to achieve – the CSME – the leaders made a stupendous decision on one aspect – the “free movement of peoples”. They announced they were “concerned” why previous decisions weren’t implemented and stressed the need for “the relevant ministerial councils and committees to meet and DISCUSS the situation”!!
And they know we’ll buy this BS. Hence the contempt.

…of PNC’s City Hall
The people who live in or have to enter Georgetown have to be echoing Henry II and screaming, “Will no one rid us of this troublesome Gang of Four”? Imagine citizen-endorsed MAPM asked the Mayor to attend a town hall meeting to discuss their position – and she REFUSES?! She might’ve well pi55ed on their petition as her fellow PNC member did on the PPP’s flag during the elections. That’s how much respect these PNC official types have for other opinions.
It’s not coincidental after negotiating the Parking Meter Contract, Mayor Chase Green was elected to the Executive of the PNC! “Big, bad and bullying” are the criteria for membership. Your Eyewitness remembers how Haslyn Parris was abused and Winston Murray was rejected.
How can the Mayor, flanked by the smart men of Smart City Solutions, issue new parking regulations when the COURTS have ordered them to show cause why the contract shouldn’t be scrapped. This is contempt of the courts.
Any new regulations are fruits of a poisoned contract! Ignore them!

…for education
The Govt tried to explain VAT on private education by asserting some private schools aren’t taxed. So if VAT’s a “fiscal tool” (Minister Jordan) aren’t taxes on income the same?
Why tax students and not the schools??