The PNC on full throttle in coalition’s marriage of convenience

Dear Editor,

The latest casualty to hit the headlines is the demotion of WPA coalition member Dr Rupert Roopnaraine and the elevation of Nicollette Henry to the substantiated position of minister of Education.

This move came as no surprise to most right thinking persons in this country, because we told that gullible coalition partner what would be the outcome should there be a merger of the two parties to seize power. Simply put they were forewarned that such a marriage of convenience would not last.

They were warned that with such a larger more aggressive partner the situation would deteriorate into the WPA being overwhelmed and practically bullied into a corner. All of these things were meticulously put to the WPA long before they got into that sordid arrangement with the PNC/APNU, but they never listened to the voice of reason. They were only interested in getting into office – whatever the risks – and nothing else.

Well, as the saying goes history has repeated itself and the PNC has finally reigned in the smaller “poodle like WPA” into subjection. Even more distressing is the fact that Mr Granger has replaced the seasoned, well qualified, educator with a virtual unknown which places a huge stumbling block in the path of progress and development in this country.

And if that is not enough, this move was done on the anniversary of the founder leader of that party. What a shame! But such is the occurrences in a place called Guyana, where anything goes.

Did someone say “I can do what I want, how I want, whenever I want.” Most certainly, those were the words emanating from the lips of the most top legal personnel in this country, hence we are now witnessing the effects of those terse reminders.

Make no mistake my People, the PNC which forms the core of APNU and by extension “The Coalition” has taken full control of the power base in this country and no one can stop them. The WPA who should have at least acted in the capacity of “checks and balances” to ensure that there are no excesses on the part of the PNC is silenced forever. It is the PNC and the PNC full throttle.

I wonder what the charlatans like the Freddie Kissoons are saying right now? These were the individuals who were shouting from the rooftops that the PPP/C were a dictatorship. I wonder what are his comments now seeing the last real surviving member of the WPA/APNU merger has been swallowed up whole? Come on Freddie, speak up!


Neil Adams