Twelve families from Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) who were beneficiaries of house lots in the past and who were currently occupying same in prominent regularised schemes were presented with subsidies, compliments of the Communities Ministry.
The subsidies were given in voucher form and are worth ,000, which could only be used for the purchase of hardware items during the months of December and January.
Minister within the Communities Ministry, Valerie Sharpe-Patterson addressing beneficiaries in the boardroom of the RDC at Anna Regina. Seated is Regional Vice Chairperson Nandranie CoonjahA section of the audience that attended the housing meeting
During the presentation ceremony, Minister within the Communities Ministry, Valerie Sharpe-Patterson explained that the initiative was part of the Government’s Independence Anniversary celebrations.
Addressing scores of residents among them beneficiaries and schoolchildren in the boardroom of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) in Anna Regina, the Minister reminded that the “Jubilee Home Improvement subsidy project” was launched in May coinciding with the Jubilee celebrations.
She further explained that the month of May 2016 was a promotional one for the Ministry, during which persons were given the opportunity to pay 50 per cent of the total cost of their house lots; beneficiaries were also given a 50 per cent discount on the remaining debts owed.
Sharpe -Patterson urged the beneficiaries to use the voucher given to them to make their family life more comfortable.
She called on families who were occupants of house lots to make further improvements and assured them that the Government would do anything in its capacity to ensure that persons enjoy the good life.
Meanwhile, Senior Community Development Officer Donell Bess Bascom provided an update on the initiative, which she pointed out was the first-ever for Region Two.
She said that the project was aimed at enhancing the housing sector by helping families to enjoy a better life. The project was implemented in June 2015 by Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan, who plugged $15 million into the project.
According to the Officer, while 67 forms were uplifted, only 12 persons in Region Two qualified for the subsidy. More than 300 persons throughout Guyana benefited.
The vouchers are only redeemable at pre-qualified suppliers within the Region and cannot be converted to cash. Persons were advised that only hardware items can be purchased as opposed to curtains or other items for home décor.
Regional Vice Chairperson Nandranie Coonjah applauded the efforts of the Communities Ministry and called for more such projects. Beneficiaries expressed their gratitude during the presentation. Most have already planned what they would do with their vouchers. The vouchers are redeemable from December 1 to January 31, 2017.