Head of the International Karate Daigaku GKC 9th Dan Shuseki Shihan, Frank Woon-A-Tai, assisted by Shihan Doctor Guy Low 7th Dan, and Shihan Aubrey Bettencourt 6th Dan, conducted another successful round of Karate Grading Examinations at GKC Thomas Lands, where students participated from the School of Nations Dojo.
1st Dan karatekas James Griffith, Zion Rambarran, Jazara Hewitt
The first half of the grading saw white to blue belts being examined followed by purple to dan levels with three students taking the Shodan test (black belts). Overall, excellent performances by the examinees brought them success.
Also being promoted in their respective categories were: [Orange belt] Azari Samuels, Jonathan Benn, Alexander Forrester, Adiel Sampson, Azaryah Sampson, Jayden Persaud, Emma Persaud, Chofny Hoost, Toby Hoost, Mia Prasad, Kovid Persaud, Liam Felix.
Green belts were claimed by Cattleya Singh and Anika Jain. Blue belts went to Clint Phillip, Abdul Hopkinson, Haaziq Harding, Emma Allicock, Herman Lepps, Lotti Mullis, Liam De Silva and Malachi Sumner. Purple belts went to Luan Singh, Julian Mohabir and Haashim Harding.
Third Kyu brown belts were claimed by Daniel Prince, Nicolas Silva, Jeremiah Aginam, Kylan Mullis; [2nd Kyu] Sven Douglas, Abriano Beckles; [1st Kyu] Kadre Henry and Amit Prasad.
The School of Nations Dojo and Westfield Prep School have extended congratulatory remarks to all the successful students as well as Sensei Laurence Lowe for his commitment to the development of Karate in Guyana.
Some of the results are as follows :
Dan promotions – (1st Dan) James Griffith, Zion Rambarran, Jazara Hewitt
Kyu promotions
0 Kyu to yellow belt – Chika Ochasi, Dwayne De Freitas, Nathan Persaud, Ganesa Singh Sumayah Kadir
8 Kyu to green belt – Azriel Sampson, Adian Alli, Sameer Roopnarine
7 Kyu to Blue Belt – Faizal Alli, Safiya Alli, Stephan Sewpersaud
6 Kyu to Purple Belt – Shayne Nokta, Parmanand Sukhdeo