3 of 5 Board member elect Bissoondyal Singh President of DCB
– Roger Harper, Bradley Fredericks to function as vice presidents
By Timothy Jaikarran
“Today is the dawn of a new era”, were the words uttered by the new president of the Demerara Cricket Board, Bissoondyal Singh, after being unanimously elected to the helm of that body in court-managed elections.
Newly elected Demerara Cricket Board President Bissoondyal Singh (Centre), Vice President Claude Raphael(left), Vice President Roger Harper (right)
The results of the elections having been clothed in legitimacy, the way is now paved for the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, the Honourable Charles Ramson Jr, to consult with Cricket West Indies (CWI) on a date for the hosting of the Guyana Cricket Board’s (GCB’s) election, as stipulated in the Guyana Cricket Administration Act, Chapter 21:03.
Newly appointed Cricket Ombudsman Kamal Ramkarran
For the elections, Major General (Ret’d) Norman McLean was nominated as Returning Officer by former DCB President Claude Raphael and seconded by GCA President Neil Barry. Thereafter, Bissoondyal Singh was nominated for the role of President by Roger Harper, and was seconded by Azad Ibrahim.
Justice Navindra Singh’s Monday ruling paved the way for elections of the DCB after a series of court cases. Of the five associations that are part of the DCB, three appeared; namely, the Georgetown Cricket Association, the East Coast Cricket Board, and the Upper Demerara Cricket Association, who provided a list of delegates.
The two other associations; the West Demerara Cricket Association (WDCA) and the East Bank Cricket Association (EBCA), did not provide delegates despite being served the Court Order.
The Full Court had quashed an appeal made by President of the WDCA Anand Sanasie, to prevent the hosting of a free and fair election for the Demerara Cricket Board.
At the end of the elections those elected were:
* President: Bissoondyal Singh
* Vice President: Roger Harper
* Vice President: Bradley Fredericks
* Treasurer: Azad Ibrahim
* Asst. Treasurer: Pretipaul Jaigobin
* Secretary: Daveteerth Anandjit
* Asst. Secretary: Ronald Williams
* Committee Commissions Chairman: Raymond Barton
* Marketing Manager: Neil Barry
* PRO: Claude Raphael
* Trustee: Troy Khan
* Trustee: Fazal Eshahack
Bissoondyal spells it out
“I’d like to thank the delegates and everyone for putting their trust in me. Today is the dawn of a new era, and democracy has returned to the Demerara Cricket Board. We intend to have this process to be (as transparent) and democratic as possible, as everything will remain public.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Hon Charles Ramson
“We have decided that the entire Guyana and everyone that loves cricket (must) know that we are here to serve the people, and not manage them. Our cricket should not be played in the court, our cricket should not involve people who have a personal agenda; it is something that should unite us, as we have a responsibility,” Bisoondyal declared.
The new DCB President noted that he is grateful if the DCB would pursue the President of the Berbice Cricket Board, Hilbert Foster and the Essequibo Cricket Board, Faizal Bacchus so they can have one plan.
Bissoondyal also said, “We would also like to pursue a National Cricket College, a satellite academy across Guyana. This college will fix the bridge between academics and sports, as we would like to have the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr, on board. We will have to engaged all schools, clubs and associations, as school cricket has to be fixed just as inter-house and inter-zone cricket. This will have to be done in collaboration with the Teacher’s Union, the Ministry and the Cricket Board.”
In his closing remarks, the DCB boss reiterated that those who are in court attempting to derail the process of democracy must desist from so doing, as that type of action must come to an end.
After the results were made public, Sport Minister, Charles Ramson Jr in a statement, said: “With the Demerara Cricket Board election just concluded as directed by Order of Court of the 15th February, 2021 by Justice Navindra Singh in Action number 2018-HC-DEM-CIV-FDA-622, and having just consulted with Cricket West Indies (formerly known as West Indies Cricket Board) pursuant to the requirements of the Guyana Cricket Administration Act, I hereby make the following appointments:
1. The 26th February, 2021 will be the day for the first election of the Guyana Cricket Board.
2. That Kamal Ramkarran, Attorney-at-Law, is the Cricket Ombudsman.
The Cricket Ombudsman will hereafter advise as to next steps in accordance with the Guyana Cricket Administration Act.