The 3rd edition of Fitness Paradise Gym Expo is slated to be held tonight from 19:00h at the Ramada Princess Hotel, Providence, East Bank Demerara.

This event will see members of Fitness Paradise Gym contending against each other for bragging rights and a special occasion with the largest number of female participants going head to head for the Miss Expo Best Legs, the Miss Expo Bikini.
The ladies will be looking to make an impact on the big stage with all making their bodybuilding debut.
Addis Castello, Vanessa Small, Delice Adonis, Adiola Frank, Sharon Mohan and Xamara Kippins are the female competitors while their male counterparts, Dwane Chung, Jamaul Tinnie, Onai Vasconcellos, Paul Meusa, Carlos Oviedo, Vickram Jhailu, Darrin Noble, Jaleel Weekes and Jaryl Moore will be in contention for the Mr Expo Hot Body, the Mr Expo and Mr Expo Best Abdominals.
Adding to the night of spectacle, Guest Posers, GSABBFF Miss Bikini 2016 and winner of Gym Expo 2015 Miss Bikini and Best Legs, Kavita Ganpat as well as 2014 Hot Body runner-up Allain Vincent will be on show.