76 graduate from pest control applicators programme
In observance of Pesticides Awareness Week 2018, the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB) of the Agriculture Ministry on Tuesday graduated 76 Pest Control Applicators (PCAs) from the basic and intermediate levels of the programme.
Pesticides Awareness Week 2018 is themed, “Increase food safety, Reduce dependency on Pesticides, Adopt Integrated Pest Management (IPM)”.
The Board is tasked with the responsibility for licensing, registration, training, inspecting and enforcement of the laws related to pesticides, and executes these activities with the aim of ensuring sound chemicals management in Guyana, reduced human health and environment risk, and increased food safety in
The Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board Pest Control Applicators’ graduating class of 2018
agriculture production.
At a ceremony held in Georgetown, PTCCB Chairman and lead trainer for the pesticide handling course, Dr Leslie Munroe said that the basic pesticide applicator course aimed to educate persons on the responsible management of pesticides and toxic chemicals.
He noted that this initiative also aimed to get the message across that pesticides were most effective if used properly.
Dr Munroe explained that the law prescribes that all persons dispensing pesticides and other toxic chemicals ought to be certified and the PTCCB has agreed to provide three levels of training for everyone.
While delivering the feature address, Permanent Secretary of the Agriculture Ministry, Delma Nedd echoed similar sentiments as she noted that “we need to put a halt to the manner in which we use pesticides”.
Further, Nedd highlighted some of the dangers which this practice posed to individuals, especially the young, and also reminded of the dangers of applying pesticides to enclosed spaces with people present.
Triecia Garnath of the PTCCB acknowledged the efforts of the Board as an important driver in ensuring the proper management of pesticides and toxic chemicals. She challenged the graduates to utilise the knowledge gained to educate others and to contribute to the ongoing effort across Guyana.
At Tuesday’s ceremony, three graduates were given special prizes for the highest score at the intermediate levels of the programme.
This year marked the sixth annual Pest Control Applicators graduation ceremony.