Home Letters A final look back at the March 2, 2020 election saga
Dear Editor,
As March comes to an end, we take a look back at the infamous plot to rig the election right before the eyes of the world. It was one of the most barefaced and diabolical acts to have hit the Guyana landscape in a long time and our courts will have to deal with it swiftly and condignly. Not only will the courts deal with this matter, but we will also witness a dismantling of this closely guarded rigging apparatus, for good. Guyana will never be the same again after these court hearings. Rigging is dead and never again will it raise its ugly head in our society again.
Now, this is a pretty simple case, I am talking about the election petition matter as well as the Lowenfield and comrades case, both are infantile at best. The questions are straightforward and would carry the following trend, at the end of the election there would have been the generation of Statements of Poll (SoPs) for each electoral district. All ten electoral districts submitted theirs, but for some mysterious reason known to Lowenfield and cabal, Region Four’s SoPs were suddenly hidden from view and a substitution spreadsheet was used instead.
Who authorised him to hide the SoPs and substitute his own is yet to be determined by a court of law. However, what is crystal clear, those spreadsheet results given by Mingo bear no resemblance to those copies already in the hands of the other political parties as well as the international observers. Further, under whose authorisation were those declarations made, did the Chairwoman authorise him? Whose signatures are on the declarations for Region Four, if it is not the Chairwoman’s then whose are they? Are the signatories authorised GECOM officials?
These and other searching questions the Chief Elections Officer and his Returning Officer have to provide sensible answers to. Neither can he feign ignorance as to the procedures governing declarations, because this is someone who is well versed in the electoral process many times over so ignorance is not an excuse. The only answer is that here we have someone who was determined to rig the election.
He was on a course to capture the general election for the PNC in an illegal process and was caught red-handed. All doubts about his intentions were cleared when he persisted in giving those unverified and falsified figures at the recount, not once but thrice. This was the most brazen and barefaced act ever, this was Lowenfield’s intent and purpose all along. This is the foolishness Lowenfield wanted to perpetuate and for which he wants us to accept.
He wanted to coax the PNC into a fool’s paradise that they can win an election by doing everything against the norms and standards of modern justice and expect to get away with it. Well, I can tell him this is not going to happen.
Now, we have long gone past the stage of an apology from Lowenfield or a, I did not know what I was doing, we are now into the phase of conviction and incarceration. My kind advice to Lowenfield is, be candid and open in his confession and state under whose instruction he made those declarations and do not waste the court’s time. The longer you hold out in this nonsensical roundabout the greater will be your sentence.
Let me again assure the PNC that rigging is a fossilised dinosaur that cannot be resurrected.
Neil Adams