An open letter to President Granger

Dear President
We write to you to raise concerns about the situation in Guyana, our homeland, regarding the failure in a declaration of a fair and transparent General and Regional Elections result. It has been an exceptionally long four months and we believe that the people of Guyana should be credited for the patience and tolerance they have displayed.
London Islamic Cultural Society is a charity formed, supported, and managed by people from Guyana and we take pride in our awareness of how Guyana is progressing and developing. We consider it as our precious homeland, place of our birth and so we take an interest in what is happening with our people. In addition, many of our UK Guyanese have family living there.
The International Caricom observers and ABCE diplomats have all vouched and concluded that the Guyana 2020 elections were fair, free, and credible including the validity of all votes cast. Many worldwide are disturbed by the inability of you and your Government to concede defeat despite there being a recount. We on behalf of our Guyanese people urge you to accept the results and arrange for a peaceful transfer of Government.
We are extremely disappointed to observe during this whole process that the Government is deliberately acting in an undemocratic manner when it is clear that the people of Guyana have spoken and exercised their democratic right in deciding who they want to govern them.
Our country is a special one and it is time that our political parties can work in partnership for the benefit of our country and more importantly the people of Guyana. There is so much wealth and outstanding landmarks, the people deserve to improve their lives and they have voted for the Government that they believe will help them to achieve this.
We write and we represent many of our Guyanese patriots living in the United Kingdom. Do the right thing, Mr Granger.

Yours sincerely,
Bibi Khan and the
Board Trustees
President, London
Islamic Cultural