Home Letters Anil Nandlall is a victim of political spite again
Dear Editor,
Reference the Guyana Chronicle report of January 1, 2020, headlined, “Four to be conferred with ‘Silk’”, the article stated, inter alia:
“Having considered their “high quality of service in the legal profession, and with confidence in their knowledge of the law, His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana is pleased to announce the appointment of four long-serving legal practitioners as Senior Counsel with effect from January 1, 2020.
In January 2017 President Granger elevated nine legal luminaries to the status of Senior Counsel, proclaiming, inter alia: “… the title is not a personal favour, nor a political reward but rather it is conferred on the basis of merit and is uncontaminated by arbitrariness or capriciousness.”
“The conferral of the title – Senior Counsel – is a proud tradition reserved for members of an honourable profession who have distinguished themselves as being “…learned in the law…. The honour of Senior Counsel…. is a professional badge that distinguishes attorneys of erudition, experience and expertise”.
Without fear of contradiction, I posit that Anil is more deserving of such an honour than any of the attorneys being so honoured on the basis of, in Granger’s words “high quality of service in the legal profession, and with confidence in their knowledge of the law”. Anil Nandlall has proven himself of exceptional merit in these areas – time and again.
None of the current crop of lawyers at the local bar did more cases that advanced the development of the law and jurisprudence in Guyana over the last decade than Anil, both as Attorney-General and in private practice, especially in areas of law never litigated in Guyana and the Caribbean – constitutional and public law; and Parliamentary law.
Anil’s writings on law and his contributions in law-making at the Parliament exceed those of any person in the fraternity of legal luminaries.
Current AG Basil Williams was made Senior Counsel, and he has been bested by his predecessor Anil Nandlall over and over again – in the courts and Parliament.
Instead of being cited and honoured for his remarkably outstanding achievements in jurisprudence, and his prolific contributions to law-making and documentation of legal affairs, which includes his voluminous writings on legal matters for the edification of the public and, even more importantly, his effecting the online chronicling of pertinent legal matters, including the laws of the land online for easy access by the general public, he is being witch-hunted on accusations that have no merit, like most of his associates in the PPP/C.
Granger’s sidelining Mohabir Anil Nandlall for professional honours can impel one to justifiably question the veracity of his assertion: “… the title is not a personal favour, nor a political reward but rather it is conferred on the basis of merit and is uncontaminated by arbitrariness or capriciousness.”
Granger’s ostensible conferring honours on legal luminaries on the basis of their being “…members of an honourable profession who have distinguished themselves as being learned in the law……. The honour of Senior Counsel…. is a professional badge that distinguishes attorneys of erudition, experience and expertise” shows his rhetoric is contradictory to his actions, which are seemingly subjective to his personal prejudices, not befitting a President.
The crucifixion of political opponents by a vengeful Granger-led political cabal, which has unleashed a campaign of victimisation and demonisation – and oftentimes violent reprisals against PPP/C leaders, supporters, and even those employed by the state who served the nation under PPP/PPPC Administrations did not begin post-2015 elections, but is a continuum of destructive strategies over decades by any PNC construct/PNC-led coalition – in or out of office, and had its genesis in LFS Burnham’s ambitions and betrayal of trust of Dr Cheddi Jagan and the PPP family (see Jesse Burnham’s “Beware my brother Forbes”); and consequently the entire Guyanese nation, with the PNC’s X-13 Plan implemented in various creative ways through the corridors of our history – and Granger was an integral part of the subsequent Burnham-led PNC governmental construct – the excessive, oppressive, destructive exploits of which are well-documented.
A Wikileaks revelation exposed contents of Declassified/Released US Department of State EO Systematic Review 30 JUN 2005, which stated, inter alia, “McDavid and Granger have reputations as ideologues and anti-East Indian racists.”
Despite token actions in efforts to eradicate this character analysis by the US State Dept, no one is fooled, and his actions since becoming President testify to this.
Granger’s actions, in and out of office also seemingly confirm the contentions documented in the Wikileaks revelations.
With regards,
Parvati Persaud-