Twenty-five-year-old Daniel Parris was on Monday remanded to prison for the murder of 60-year-old Peter Gonsalves, a contractor.
Murdered: Peter Gonsalves
Daniel Parris appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and was not required to plead to the charge which alleged that on December 7, 2020, at Garnett Street, Kitty, Georgetown, while in the company of another person, he murdered Gonsalves in the course or furtherance of a robbery.
He was remanded until March 1.
Parris is the second person to be charged for Gonsalves’ death. In December 2020, his alleged accomplice, Kacey Heyliger, was remanded for the murder of Gonsalves.
Heyliger, 28, was arrested and later identified during an ID parade.
He appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and was not required to plead to the indictable charge.
On December 7, 2020, Peter Gonsalves, a father of four, was gunned down during a robbery in front of Red Bar, at Garnett Street and Vlissengen Road, Georgetown.
At the time, he was in the company of a coworker, who was a passenger on Gonsalves’ bike.
During the ordeal, the pillion rider fell to the ground and the two men, who were armed, made good their escape with the now dead man’s XR motorcycle, CJ 600.
Gonsalves was shot at least three times about his body by the two men – one of whom was armed with a handgun. They reportedly trailed him to the drinking bar.
Parris is no stranger to the law and was jailed back in May 2017 for 18 months. He pleaded guilty to committing the violent robbery. The facts of the case state that at High Street, Georgetown, on April 28, 2017, he robbed the victim of a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone, valued at $40,000, a phone case valued at $4000 and $50,000.(G15)