APNU/AFC master plan to rig was GECOM Secretariat

Dear Editor,
GECOM is an autonomous body that was supposed to ensure that the March 2020 elections was being managed in a free, fair, transparent, and impartial manner. This autonomous entity has shown that nothing it does is in keeping with transparency or impartiality.
The present management structure at GECOM is being compromised and controlled by the APNU/AFC cabal and that was initiated with President Granger’s unilateral appointment of James Patterson that paved the way in the installation of all the “crooked manipulators” to be appointed in ensuring that David Granger and his cabal remains in power.
The appointment of DCEO, the PRO, etc and the gifting of millions to the CEO of GECOM are main reasons why it should be concluded that David Granger is in control of this perceived autonomous body, GECOM.
The decisions and functions of GECOM over the last few weeks is a testimony that It is closely aligned with APNU/AFC, the signing of the Region Four declaration results by Volda Lawrence, the false declaration of 458 SoPs by RO Mingo, the deliberate stalling of the recount by CEO Lowenfield until a court order was granted to APNU/AFC candidate Ulita Moore, the snail’s pace of the modality for the recount, the refusal of GECOM to make the Sops public on the website etc.
The reality of getting a credible result in this election lies in the verification of the 458 SoPs that were left to be verified when Lowenfeild and Mingo introduced a fabricated spreadsheet.
How can everyone except the APNU/AFC agree that there were fabricated results in Region Four?
Granger and APNU/AFC have been surviving in power since December 21, 2018, through”judicial bullism”.
Suzy Kassem said “Our freedoms are vanishing. If you do not get active to take a stand now against all that is wrong while we still can then maybe one of your children may elect to do so in the future, when it will be far riskier – and much much harder”.

With regards,
Zamal Hussain