A six-month-old baby is among three persons killed in a two-vehicle crash on the Essequibo Coast Public Road on Friday. The accident occurred sometime around 14:15h on the Jib Public Road.
The dead infant has been identified as Javon Joseph while other the dead persons
Dead: Corwin Paul
are his 19-year-old mother, Tristiana Joseph, of Dredge Creek, Upper Pomeroon; and her 38-year-old boyfriend, Corwin Paul, a health worker of the Oscar Joseph District Hospital in Charity of lot 26-27 Windsor Castle, Essequibo Coast.
According to residents living in the area, Paul who was driving his car PSS 2174 at a very fast rate was transporting his girlfriend and her child to Charity, when he he lost control of the vehicle on a concrete bridge on the Jibb Public Road, Essequibo
Coast, and smashed into a Tacoma pick-up, GPP 5205, driven by businessman Adam Barakat of Lot 17 Bounty Hall Essequibo Coast, which was travelling in the opposite direction.
Following the head-on collision, residents rushed to the scene and tried to rescue
The mangled vehicles following Friday’s crash
the occupants of the badly damaged car. However, the six-month baby died on the spot, while Paul reportedly died on the way to the Suddie Hospital. They were both pronounced dead on arrival.
Meanwhile, Tristiana Joseph was rushed to the hospital where she was admitted in a critical condition but then succumbed to her injuries around 19:1
5h later that day.
On the other hand, the 80-year-old driver of the pick-up vehicle also received minor injuries and was rushed to the hospital, where he was admitted for observation.