Banks DIH recommits sponsorship to Petra futsal championship

Banks DIH, under their GT Beer brand, have recommitted to sponsorship, for the second year, of the Petra-organization Futsal Championship, which is being held at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue in Georgetown.

Already in the group stage format, the championship has thus far seen a massive turnout at all of the playing days, and Co-Director of the Petra Organization, Troy Cadogan, has expressed immense gratitude for the support the company has thus far received and continues to receive over the years.

The tournament has been nothing short of exciting action since commencement

“Petra organization once again wants to express happiness to have Banks DIH on board with another one of our programmes. We know the relationship (between) our organization and this company goes back years; and even in these trying times, (it is so good to have) Banks DIH on board; (thus this company) must be applauded”, Mendonca stated.

He added that the renewed sponsorship shows that Banks DIH acknowledges its commitment towards society, and discharges its social responsibility to in this respect. Mendonca also contended that the tournament features ward teams and involves persons from the community, and the organization and behaviour of teams reflect such good manners that Banks DIH is happy to be associated with the tournament.

The Co-Director also applauded the professionalism of the playing teams, as year after year they manage to be part of the tournament, although there is not a structured body to organize them.

Banks DIH Public Relations Officer Troy Peters said the company would continue to diversify its commitment to sports, since it is its way of giving youths an opportunity to engage in positive activities.

He further stated, “(This company is) extremely pleased to be teaming up with Petra, because we know the players want something to do positively and we see it fit to support such ventures; and (we) look forward to continued collaboration with Petra organisation.” The winner of the tournament is set to pocket $400,000 and the championship trophy, while the second, third and fourth place finishers will collect $200,000, $100,000 and $50,000 respectively and the correspondingly accolade.

The event will continue at the same venue on Saturday with six more group matches, beginning at 19:30 hrs.