Bedlam …by the PNC

Bedlam is a scene of madness, chaos, or absolute confusion. It came out of the slurred medieval Londoners’ pronunciation of the name of their first lunatic asylum – “Bethlem” – for Bethlehem. Rich people even paid good money to watch their antics. Well, there’s no question that the PNC turned the National Assembly – being held at the Convention Center due to COVID-19 sensitivities – into the very definition of “bedlam” on Thursday! Since, in the opinion of your Eyewitness, they’re going to repeat the performance at every future sitting, the Government might as well start selling tickets to generate some more income for our development! If you’re served lime, it’s time to make and sell “swank”, no?
But your Eyewitness hopes the PPP isn’t surprised that the PNC would descend to these depths of lawlessness. Any party that would trample on the Constitution of its country – as they did three Christmases ago when they refused to comply with their loss of the NCM – has already declared war on all civilised political norms. Nothing is sacred when it comes to seizing power for this aggrandisement! Remember the bedlam at Ashmin’s Building when they tried to rig the elections, they’d been dragged kicking and screaming to conduct? With PNC Chair Volda Lawrence screaming like a fishmonger in the faces of PPP officials?
But, somehow, your Eyewitness hoped the PNC would remember the actions of their Founder-Leader Burnham, when it came to the sanctity of Parliament. They certainly invoke his name at every opportunity they get – as they vow to uphold his “legacy”!!! It’s a matter of record that when he and Cheddi were once walking out of Parliament in protest back in the day, Burnham still bowed to the Mace as he passed by!! He was smart enough to realise he should observe the FORM of the law – even when he traduced its spirit!
We all know by now that the PNC are prepared to not just oppose the PPP Govt as is their mandate – but to “expose and depose” them, in the words of Raphael Trotman when he vied for the PNC leadership! This is the path the PNC are determined to follow – as was shown by them voting in the pugnacious Aubrey Norton as the new leader. Most of the bunch in Parliament weren’t on Norton’s team that vowed to be aggressive against the PPP, so they’ll stand on their heads to show they’re even more rabid in their extremism!
And it’s for this reason you could have a PNC former army officer and present MP grab and desecrate the Mace – which represents the authority of Parliament, while her other MPs assaulted Ashni.
The PNC are determined to seize power by any means necessary!

Your Eyewitness will repeat the point he made above – the PNC are gonna create bedlam in our country at every opportunity they get in the coming year. And when they don’t GET opportunities, they’ll simply CONCOCT them! Seriously now, do you think they really believed the PPP was vaccinating African-Guyanese to commit “ethnic genocide” when the MoH was vaccinating ALL Guyanese? Pleeease!! The CONCOCTIONS won’t just come from within the PNC, but from all the hangers-on so-called “parties” vying for relevance! Any lie you can tell.
We’ve heard about the “Judicialization” of politics by two UWI academics, who observed the logjam in Guyanese politics – exemplified by the recount fiasco. The politicians invariably appeal to the Courts to make THEIR decisions. Well, the PNC have now signalled – through their contretemps in Parliament – that they’re gonna be more extremist. It’s the beginning of a slippery slope that started with protests outside the Courts, then arson and violence in the “mo’ fyaah; slow fyaah” strategy, and finally with the Buxton Freedom Fighters.
Where’d that get them?

…in COVID-19
Good that the Health Minister’s not making the mistake the American CDC did and lowering our guards against COVID-19.
Whether or not we’ve detected it, it’ll be here! Like the Scouts say: BE PREPARED!!