Berbice cow thieves granted bail

Three men who allegedly stole 10 heads of cattle were on Friday placed on bail when they appeared before Magistrate Renita Singh at the New Amsterdam Court in Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).

One of the men who were charged for stealing cows

The trio, Lakeram Deokaran, 30, a labourer of Mai Mai Dam, Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam; Vishal Ramshackle, 35, also a labourer of Betsy Ground, East Canje, and another labourer, 50-year-old Jagpaul Seelall also of Betsy Ground, were not required to plead to the indictable charge of larceny of cattle contrary to Section 176 of the Criminal Law Offences Act Chapter 8:01.
They were each granted bail in the sum of $30,000 and instructed to return to court on March 17, 2021, for a Police report.
The men were reportedly caught in the act and had allegedly removed ten animals belonging to Devin Sookraj, an East Canje businessman.