Home Letters Berbice has faced continuous aggression by Govt
Dear Editor,
Berbice has become the focus of continuous aggression by this Government. It has become its favourite battleground. First, it was the destructive closure of Rose Hall and Skeldon Estates and now on the same date of the Local Government Elections, Berbicians are shell shocked by the proposed astronomical hike in the bridge toll. We are now being held hostages.
The timing of this hike summons some distasteful questions when it was revealed by no other that Minister David Patterson himself that the Chairman of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc, Dr Surendra Persaud is a ‘close ally’ of his and a strong member of his party, the Alliance For Change. It must be recalled that this doctor campaigned heavily for this Government in the 2015 General Elections. It must also be of essence to note that this Government is also quick to lay blame on the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for the increase. This is just magnifying the incompetence of this Government to take control of the country and run it in the interests of the citizens. This Government still acts as though it is in the Opposition. This Government has miserably failed to take charge of the affairs of Guyana.
Why after three long years in Government, the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) is still unsure about the content of the Bridge Contract? Why have they not explored the legal implications of the contract? If there were debilitating clauses which would affect the commuters, why were these not publicised? If so then why was this contract not subject to renegotiation? We have seen that since this Government took office, they have been ‘tinkering’ with the contents of the Bridge Contract in areas of toll reduction and maintenance, why did they not address the core issues such as the Bridge Company’s right to ‘legally’ increase the toll? Even if there is a ‘confidentiality clause’ in effect that does not absolve this Government from renegotiation.
The Leader of the Opposition gave sound advice to the APNU/AFC coalition, “The Government should take measures to prevent the increase in tolls, given the hardship policies it has imposed on our people. If there is any move by the APNU/AFC coalition Government to sign a toll order to bring into effect the proposed increases, the People’s Progressive Party commits to reversing the increase after the 2020 General and Regional Elections.” This will suggest that the Bridge Company cannot bring the toll increase into effect unless the Minister gives his approval by signing it. What is also important to note is that the Leader of the Opposition implies that a Government in office can renegotiate the contents of any contract. In the case of the oil contract the Government failed to make any meaningful change in favour of the country, but what about the Bridge Contract, why was this not done if the Contract is bad for the people? No unconscionable, exploitative and oppressive contract is final to the people of a country.
We have seen that just before the last Local Government Elections, the Bridge tolls were reduced by $200 and yet the APNU/AFC received a sound thrashing from the PPP but this year the game plan has changed. Increase the tolls by over 400 per cent and blame the PPP then disallow the increase and come out as the Saviour.
The ‘toll’ is now geared to wreak havoc to our lives! An entire region will now be completely devastated, probably beyond redemption!
Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf
RDC Councillor,
Region Six