Beware of Trojan Horses

Dear Editor,
In a letter dated June 21st 2021, veteran PNC/R member Thandi McAllister resigned from that party, which she has served for almost three decades. This comes as a blow to the PNC/R, as another longstanding member has parted company with that party.
Disaffection and ill feelings with the hierarchy of her party were the main cause given for her decision to leave. From our vantage point, that should be a natural phenomenon with most right-thinking members of that party, because that party has a twisted way of conducting business. Its hierarchy is corrupt to the core, with no proper set of rules governing their operations, and on that note, many members are becoming disillusioned with the party.
Now, having said that, I must say I am not in the least overjoyed at those defections, nor am I convinced of the sincerity of the actions of the defectors. I am of a different view; my view is that there is a sinister plan afoot to destabilise the PPP/C, and that plan is slowly seeing its fulfillment.
Now, one may be tempted to ask how a resignation in the PNC can cause any instability in the ruling party, it just doesn’t add up; PPP/C matters are not in any way bound up in the actions of the Opposition. But careful scrutiny of the events of the past ten months paints a different picture altogether.
Well, here’s my reason for saying this: there is a concerted effort on to bring the ruling party down, and as it was discussed, this should come from within the party itself. It was suggested that they gift the PPP/C a Trojan Horse, who would then get into the inner workings of the party and then sabotage them. Crudely put, just gift them a ‘mole’ and watch them crumble. When you piece it together, it means that they are on course to throw this fledgling democracy in turmoil.
The point has also been advanced that there is not a hair’s breadth chance wherein they can beat the PPP/C at an election; therefore, create an atmosphere of instability and uncertainty within that party, try the “if you can’t beat them then join them scenario” and, like a cankerworm, you might eventually pull something off.
So, I am highly suspicious of these deflections, and I am calling on my party to be extra careful when dealing with such individuals, it is too good to be true. Most members of the Opposition can best serve their country by being where they are.

Neil Adams