…worked for N Korea
Well…who woulda guessed? Looks like the “talks” between Trump and Kim Jong Un will be coming off after all! That’s the President of the United States – the largest economy in the world, weighing in at US$18.5 TRILLION – sitting across the table with the boss of N Korea whose country ranks 125th in the world with a GDP of only US$18 billion!! And with this meeting, N Korea has won the battle Jong UN’s grandfather launched 50 years ago when he embarked on a nuclear programme!
Not many folks remember the Korean War – but it was a VERY BIG THING – trust you Eyewitness!! Or if you don’t, aske GECOM’s Justice Patterson – he’s certainly old enough to have a first-hand recollection!! It started in 1950 when N Korean troops moved into South Korea and the US jumped in on the latter’s side, to halt the North’s advance. When the tide swung and they’d penetrated far into North Korea to approach the Chinese border, the latter poured in hundreds of thousands of troops and most of the world thought it was the beginning of WWIII!
Even though the US THREATENED to use her nuclear weapons, they didn’t – but the threat persuaded the Chinese to sign an Armistice in 1953. North Korea obviously has never forgotten about the persuasive power of Nuclear weapons!! A “demilitarised” zone was created between the North and South but the US stationed troops in the South that are there to this day. Interestingly, there was never an OFFICIAL declaration of the END of the war – and this might be one of the takeaways from the Singapore meeting.
N Korea swore to bring the US to the table and now they’ve done so!! Their tactic of squeezing their third world economy to develop nuclear ballistic capabilities has paid off. So what are we to expect if the talks do come off – which, knowing Trump, still ain’t a cert? Well, there that official end of war statement – and who knows maybe the release of some GI who’ve been wandering in the backwoods of Kaesong County.
But seriously, the Americans will want Kim Jong Un to demilitarise – that is, destroy any and all nuclear weapons as well as pull back troops from the near the demilitarised zone. This, Kim has said it could do – if the US would pull all its troops from South Korea, as well as remove sanctions. But dear reader, don’t expect any of this to happen anytime soon. We’re dealing with two ego-driven fellas who just love all the attention the world’s giving them.
They’re going to milk this for all its worth!! And then they’ll do it for the Nobel Peace Prize!!
…on elections mechanism
Folks used to wonder why the PPP claimed elections could be rigged by the PNC, even when they – the PPP – were in office. Well, remember Burnham’s favourite aphorism: there are many ways to kill a cat, even though infecting it with “mange” was his favourite!! Just so, there are many ways to rig an election – even though soldiers collecting ballot boxes might’ve been his favourite!!
And we come to the present imbroglio over the hiring practices of GECOM and its consequences – as pointed out by Robeson Benn. Unlike what Alexander asserted about the overweening dominance of African Guyanese in GECOM (forget about that “Mixed” claim!!) being due to the same factors they dominate the public service that’s a load of crock. GECOM is a recent creature and has received equal number of applicants from Indian and African Guyanese. GECOM’s CEO Lowenfield, an old Army officer who’s a dyed-in-the wool PNC.
He weeds out the former by controlling the required examination!! Review those exam papers, Robeson!!
…and Judicial appointments
So why isn’t your Eyewitness surprised Granger says he ain’t changing his mind about having Ex-Army officer Benjamin being the next Chancellor?
He’s just singing that song he hummed at Queens in 1964, “Wha’ Cha Gonna Do ‘bout It??”