Budget 2021 will greatly benefit Indigenous people – Shuman
– lashes out at Opposition for driving racism
Lone representative of the Joinder Parties in the National Assembly, Lenox Shuman on Friday evening related that while the proposed 2021 National Budget is not perfect, it contains far more superior benefits for Indigenous people than they got during the five years under the PNC-led coalition Administration.
Making his contributions to the Budget Debates, Shuman, the leader of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and also Deputy Speaker of the 12th Parliament, declared that he will not defend the PPP/C’s Government second budget since the budget – titled A path to recovery, economic dynamism and resilience – defends itself.
LJP Leader and Opposition MP Lenox Shuman
“I do not need to defend the budget, the budget defends itself… Considering where we are at this juncture in the country’s history and considering where we were in the last five years, the budget is not perfect. But it is to repair the damage, to stabilise the financial ground and to fortify for a better and more progressive Guyana…,” he stated.
The former Toshao highlighted some of the budgeted projects that will benefit Indigenous communities such as Land Titling.
“That we have $630 million for the revival of the Amerindian Land Titling programme is far superior than what was done under the PNC rule for the last five years. The entire Annai sub-district was gazetted as an NDC (Neighbourhood Democratic Council) thus revoking the land titling of the Indigenous peoples of that area, which is a clear violation of the multitude of international laws,” he pointed out.
Shuman further noted that while the $1.6 billion earmarked for upgrading hinterland roads is not the most ideal, it is still far superior to what was previously budgeted by the Coalition. He reminded that APNU/AFC Opposition voted against over $520 million for 112 tractors, as well as several hundreds of millions more in COVID support for hinterland communities to assist with their revival – and this was only last year.
“I cannot disagree with progress… The ADF (Amerindian Development Fund) is replenished to the tune of $1.5 billion. How can I be against anything that stands to benefit the most marginalised population of this country?” the LJP leader contended.
Nevertheless, Shuman also outlined some areas that were not addressed in the budget such as a much-needed increase in Toshaos’ stipends and funding for the National Toshaos Council.
He also referred to President Irfaan Ali’s “One Guyana” vision for which monies have been budgeted under the Prime Minister’s Office to drive this initiative aimed at bringing Guyanese together. According to Shuman, the funds should also be used to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, noting that this is “a most needed commission in this country if we are to dispense with race politics, if we are to build a cohesive Guyana. We need it and the country needs it…”
The Opposition MP further voiced his expectation that future budgets incorporate the UNICEF study on the Status of Indigenous Women and Children. He also reminded the Government of its commitment to not only revise the Amerindian Act but also to Constitutional Reform.
Notwithstanding, the LJP Leader commended the PPP/C Government for consulting with the small parties in preparation of the 2021 budget, which he recognised addressed some of the concerns and issues raised.
Shuman stated that the people of Guyana almost one year ago on March 2, 2020, endorsed the vision presented by the PPP/C and as Opposition, they have an obligation to hold the Government accountable.
“I implore you, we have to up our game. You have to up your game… We must conduct ourselves with integrity if we’re to ensure that the people are primary beneficiaries of the budget… and the answer is not to pander to race,” he posited.
The LJP Leader went on to say that, “If you lack substance, lack relevance and lack moral and ethical fortitude to say you lost the elections, do you, yourself and our future generations a disservice by reclusing to race-baiting.”
On this note, Shuman lambasted several coalition parliamentarians for driving racism in the National Assembly. He said the actions of these MPs are indicative of the way the PNC treated not only Indigenous people of Guyana but all races.
“If one cannot see the Deputy Speaker standing at 5 foot 11 inches, 225 pounds in front of her, how can we expect them to see the people suffering and how will they even proceed to develop policies for those they cannot see… Where substance and relevance is absence, racism becomes the default cover and I urge my colleagues to change this appalling and horrendous behaviour because when it comes to this Honourable House, it creates a destructive tsunami in society,” he asserted.
Moreover, in response to APNU/AFC members calling him “PPP subsets”, Shuman declared “…If it means that I stand on the side of and fight for democracy, then I am a subset. If it means that I have vision for a progressive Guyana, free from oppression then I am a subset. If it means that I am against dictatorship then I am a subset. If it means that I am against intellectually bankrupting a country then I am a subset. If it means that I am for Indigenous rights then I am a subset and if it means that I am on the side of an inclusive Guyana then I most definitely and unapologetically am a subset.”
According to the Deputy Speaker, before Guyana can heal as a nation, it must first identify where it is hurting and work to fix that.
“But race is not the answer. That I advocate for the rights of the Indigenous people does not make me a racist. I simply identify the shortcomings of past Administrations to fulfil obligations to first people… When you lack substance, the default cannot be race. It is unbecoming of a nation that is 54 years old,” said Shuman, who was referred to as “screeching by with leftover votes and fractionable seat”.
Shuman’s LJP partnered with A New and Unity Guyana (ANUG) and The New Movement (TNM) to enter into a Joinder arrangement and secured one seat with their combined 5000-plus votes. The three parties have agreed to take turns in having a representative in the National Assembly.