Just six days after a motor car crashed into a fence at Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara (EBD), a Toyota Prado went crashing into a yard in the same area on Friday evening, leaving a businessman with multiple injuries.
The vehicle that crashed into the yard at Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara
The driver of the vehicle, PJJ 3419, Govinda Sukadar, is a businessman of Eccles, EBD.
According to the police report, the vehicle was proceeding south along the Bagotstown Public Road at a fast rate, when it crashed into a median before flipping into a yard.
Regional Commander, Senior Superintendent Kurleigh Simon told this publication that when Police arrived on the scene, Sukadar complained of feeling dizzy and was allowed to seek medical attention.
“He is currently on station bail; the vehicle was impounded and we haven’t given him it back as yet. The story is that he tried to avoid hitting a pedestrian. We heard that someone else was in the vehicle but we weren’t able to confirm yet.”
The accident occurred at about 19:30h on Friday just next door to the residence of the family who has had to deal with multiple crashes over the years. The most recent being a few nights ago.
In April of this year, two friends died after a car flipped along the roadway and slammed into the fence. Also, in April 2011, a car crashed into the living room of the occupants of the home.