Dear Editor,
Please print my factual observations in regards to one of the most despicable and sinful acts of parents; be it men or women who have for over hundreds of years deliberately abandoned their responsibilities in providing basic childcare for their offspring.
Many governments worldwide have tried many different strategies to assist these children – the results are poor and in many cases, these children end up abused, raped and forced into prostitution.
This social disease in Guyana has to be researched, documented by a ‘truth commission on children abandonment’. The composition of this commission must be from practicing honest and truthful religious scholars, whose actions speak louder than their words.
The main cause of this despicable action is the blatant opposition and refusal of the blessed institution of marriage which was granted by our Creator as a protection and mercy to mankind.
Ignorance of our religions and failure of these religious institutions and their leaders to plan and execute proper programmes to educate their flocks about the spiritual, family and community benefits of the institution of marriage has contributed to the proliferation of common-law unions. These social unions tend to lead to more broken homes, which in turn lead to child abandonment.
The Government also has its role to provide funds for orphaned children homes and in cases where there are no family memebers available to take care of these children, they should be placed in foster care. Minister Lawrence’s regional guardians board with due respect is a band aid solution.
The constitutional laws enforcement threats to deadbeat fathers failed in many countries; in Canada for example, they garnish your wages from your employers. The legal framework must be in place, along with education in all schools, all religious bodies and all employers.
Yours truly,
Sheik Ally