Home News CIOG condemns racist remarks by Tacuma Ogunseye
The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana and the Muslim community have condemned the racist remarks by Tacuma Ogunseye and his supporters.
“This act is in breach of our Constitution which demands every citizen to prevent crime and other violations of the law,” the CIOG stated in a release.
Further, it stated that this type of race hate speech promotes crime and violation of our law. “It has no place in Guyanese society and all its developments. This is a backward step that can lead to racial instability with debilitating economic and social impact on Guyana.”
This race hate speech which calls on the Armed Forces to break the law is another violation of Guyana’s Constitution.
The religious body stated that it is another attempt to incite some Guyanese with violence against other Guyanese which is clearly against the national motto, “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” and against the policies of the democratically, all-inclusive elected Government of President Irfan Ali and his vision, “One Guyana.”
“The CIOG resolutely stands in support of “One Guyana” where every person, regardless of race, gender, religion or social class is entitled to equality and access to the same menu of opportunities and to the resources of the State. We believe that His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative of Guyana, embodies this vision in both theory and practice.”