CIOG targeted 300 persons at COVID-19 vaccine medical outreach
The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) in collaboration with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the US Embassy on Friday held a medical outreach at the GPF Eve Leary Mess Hall in Georgetown which sought to administer some 300 COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots.
In their effort to aid in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, CIOG and its partners are conducting community outreach in various parts of Guyana.
Persons being administered COVID-19 vaccines at CIOG outreach
The medical outreach held on Friday sought to provide a number of services to the public which includes free glucose and blood pressure testing, the provision of over-the-counter medication, free massages, mental health counselling, and administration of COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots, carried out by the staff from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
The General Manager of CIOG, Shameena Haniff stated that the main purpose of the outreach was the vaccination drive which is to aid in Guyana’s fight against the deadly coronavirus, and also to provide medical assistance to persons who are in need of it.
“The reason of this event today is the vaccination drive that we are focusing on in aid of helping all of our citizens in Guyana to be fully vaccinated and also boosted,” she said.
She further added, “The main message behind the vaccination drive and the medical outreaches is to be able to complement the efforts that the Government is doing with the vaccination drive and also reaching out to persons in being checked out medically as we know the whole COVID situation that’s happening and then apart from that we had a spin-off of the flu.”
Hanifff stated that the public can expect more medical outreaches being done by CIOG and its partners as they are preparing to head to Amelia’s Ward, Linden, on January 30 which will be hosted by Kashif & Shanghai.
With COVID-19 cases rapidly rising in Guyana every day, there is a dire need for persons to take their vaccines and booster shots once they are already vaccinated to protect themselves from being seriously ill if they should contract the virus.