Clarification on “dildo” in Parliament

Dear Editor,
I am seeking space in your newspapers to highlight a part of my presentation to the National Assembly, on Monday 22nd February 2021.
The transcript of the relevant extract of my presentation is as follows: –
“There were poor procurement practices and I say this without fear of contradiction, because there is proof! I do not know if it was plain incompetence or corruption. I do not know whether it was a case of spending the monies in such a way that some particular suppliers can get the contracts. I don’t know what practices, what rules were followed Mr Speaker. I do not know why the technical staff were not consulted! Unto this day I still cannot understand how a veterinary anesthetic machine was bought in Region 6, to use on humans. And here is more proof of either gross incompetence or complete mismanagement Mr Speaker.
The rehabilitation department of the Ministry of Health, this time Centrally, at around 2017, requested a piece of equipment to assist with persons having lung problems. That piece of equipment can be useful to persons with lung and breathing issues, especially the bed-ridden and CVA/Stroke patients. The request was made for a “MECHANICAL CHEST VIBRATOR” – a vibrating machine/equipment that is placed flat on the chest area to stimulate the lungs.
The then Ministry of Public Health bought a vibrating dildo instead! For the Rehab dept to use on the patients!
Can you imagine the consternation of the Rehab staff? Unto today when they speak of it you can hear the disgust in their voices.
Mr Speaker how can that be explained? Incompetence? Ignorance? Corruption? Or a combination of all three? Mr Speaker that is typical and classic as to how the health system was managed in Guyana by the APNU/AFC in the period 2015 to 2020 July!”
Editor, this is to bring into context the demonstration of the dildo that was bought by the last Administration instead of the requested “mechanical chest vibrator”. The demonstration of proof of the APNU/AFC’s incompetence has gotten a lot of comments in social media and the newspapers, whilst the context in which it was used was ignored.
It is unfortunate that the media and social media seemed to have been less outraged about the fact that patients who could have been helped by the purchase of the mechanical chest vibrator were left to suffer due to the procurement of the wrong piece of equipment .
I do hope this brings some clarity and closure to the issue.

Dr Vishwa Mahadeo