“Comedy Jam” set to return on July 28

The long wait is over for the re-staging of “Chow Pow’s” Comedy Jam. The “Jam” which is the brainchild of Guyanese comedian Kirk “Chow Pow” Jardine, was lunched a few years ago in the mining town of Linden, and will return after a two-year hiatus.
The two-year lapse was due to conditions that were beyond the producer’s control.
The conception of the “Jam” was to provide the local audience with an open air atmosphere where dress codes and beverage consumption were relaxed. It was also to provide a stage for stand-up comics to showcase their talent, with additional slots for calypsonians and poets. In certain instances, dancers and upcoming vocalists were filtered into the excitement.
The “Jam” also progressed to showcase regional comedians; the first being Barbadian comic Trevor Eastman. However, the Guyanese comedian recently met with event coordinator/project manager Dustanni Barrow and a mutual understanding was arrived at.
It was agreed that Barrow will have the exclusive producing rights to “Comedy Jam”, while Chow Pow will be retained as the public relations manager.
The two are no strangers as they have worked together on many events and promotional presentations in the past. Barrow is currently Chow Pow’s booking agent.
“Chow Pow” who recently resuscitated his comic career, has been attracting the attention of regional producers and has also been retained on VYBZ FM where he presents two weekly shows.
The “Jam” is set to return to its home, the Garage Bar & Gril, on July 28.