Construction of IDB-funded hinterland hospitals to begin this month

As part of Government’s agenda to expand its healthcare facilities to hinterland regions across the country, the Health Ministry will, later this month, begin construction of a new hospital with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
During an interview with this publication on Wednesday, Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony provided an update on this initiative while noting that construction of the hinterland facilities is expected to begin this month.
“We’re starting this month. We’re looking at hinterland hospitals and…we’ve already secured a loan to do construction (of) new hospitals in the hinterland, and also dormitory facilities in the hinterland region. So, we’re looking at Lethem, Moruca, Kamarang and Cato, all of these will have new facilities. You would see, over the next couple of years, brand-new facilities being built,” the Minister shared.
In December last year, the Government secured a US$97 million loan from the IDB to strengthen its healthcare network as the first operation under a Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP). The programme will expand the capacity of seven hospitals, spanning four hinterland hospitals in Region One (Barima-Waini), Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), and Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), Linden Hospital, New Amsterdam Hospital, and Georgetown Public Hospital.
Funds will also be used to extend the coverage of diagnostic exams and medical consultations. It will also increase the efficiency of the public health system by supporting improvements in logistics, management, and processes. Infrastructure upgrades include more efficient use of water and energy, as well as accessibility provisions for disabled persons.
“It is expected that the project will benefit around 406,000 persons, over half of the country’s population. In addition, the telehealth activities which will be installed in over 15 health facilities will reach all ten of the country’s regions, including the hinterland,” the IDB previously said in a statement.
As part of the investment project activities, the CCLIP will also finance Guyana’s plans for a digital transformation in health, including the expansion of the teleradiology and teleophthalmology networks.
Moreover, it will strengthen supply chain management, improve the provision of maternal and child health, and contribute to pandemic and emergency preparedness, among other activities.