Cop, pregnant woman escape unhurt in Linden accident

Investigations are ongoing into an accident at Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) involving the motor vehicle assigned to ‘E’ Division (Linden- Kwakwani) Commander Fazil Karimbaksh and a car driven by a pregnant woman.
The two vehicles – PPP 4930, driven by Police Constable Bascom, and PKK 3484, driven by pregnant Stacy Peters – collided at the intersection at Independence

The damaged Police vehicle

Avenue and Greenheart Street, Mackenzie, and both vehicles sustained damage.
The pregnant Peters, of Central Amelia’s Ward, Mackenzie, was hospitalised briefly at the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC).
According to reports, the Police Constable had just left the Mackenzie Police Station, and was proceeding along the right of way in the direction of south to north when Peters, who allegedly failed to stop at a marked sign, travelling from west to east along Greenheart Street, turned into his path and the collision ensued.
The impact of the collision caused the Police vehicle to skid off the roadway. Peters’s car, which spun around, reportedly hit the Police vehicle both to the front and back before ending up on an empty plot of land.
The matter is currently under investigation, and according to the Divisional Commander, legal advice has been sought.