Forty-year-old Parmanand Lakeram, also called “Bachan” or “Fancy”, a rice farmer of Lot 53 Section B Number 58 Village, Corentyne, was on Thursday evening shot dead in his farm.
Dead: Parmanand Lakeram
The incident reportedly took place at about 22:00h on the man’s farm at Number 68 Village, Corentyne Berbice.
However, the Police and the family of the dead man are giving a different account of what transpired.
Family members told Guyana Times that the now-dead man left home to go into the backdam to check on his tractor which was pumping water into his rice field, while the Police claim that he was in the backdam to collect stolen cows.
According to reports, Lakeram and two men were in his vehicle travelling into the backdam when they saw a light approaching. As such, the farmer stopped his vehicle and disembarked to make inquiries but instead, he was shot in the process.
Police stated that the now-dead man instructed his two friends to hide as he approached the oncoming motorbike.
After the incident, the friends told Police that they heard Lakeram screaming to them, “run boy, run, Chunic just shoot me’.’
At that point, the men left their hiding places and went in different directions but as they ran for their lives, they heard other gunshots.
The two men quickly informed the family of what transpired and without hesitation, they went to the scene in the company of the dead man’s brother. There, they saw Lakeram sitting in a pool of blood next to his vehicle.
From all indications, the body bore about eight gunshot wounds to his hand, two to his head, and two to his abdomen. Both of the man’s friends had their hands tested for gunshot residue but none were found.
Police are on the hunt for the suspect.
Meanwhile, the dead man’s mother, Mother Kuntie Hulosie, told Guyana Times that her now-dead son was trying to get water into his rice field and left a tractor pumping water and had gone back to check on it.