Home News CXC mulls July 2020 timeline for writing of CAPE, CSEC
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) has proposed a July, 2020 timeline for the sitting of the Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). 
Registrar of the council, Dr Wayne Wesley, during a press conference on Thursday in Barbados, stated that the Council formulated a revised strategy for the May/June examinations, taking the health and wellbeing of involved stakeholders into first priority.
As such, they are planning to administer one common paper; that is, the multiple choice, along with School-Based Assessments (SBAs) to determine the final grade. For modern languages, Human and Social Biology and Visual Arts, other modalities will be followed.
Presently, the regional examination body is working with registrars across the countries to determine a way forward amid the pandemic, which has already resulted in multiple deaths.
Regarded as ‘unprecedented times’, Dr Wesley indicated that this timeline is tentative, owing to the progression or retrogression of the virus. The Council has said it continues to be guided by national protocols throughout the region, and urges the utilization of e-learning platforms during this time.
Meanwhile, the submission deadline for SBAs is extended from the initial April date. CXC related that, with an earlier date in place, there can be a smooth transfer of students into the upcoming academic year. Adding to that, they are working to limit the wait for stakeholders who are seeking employment.
The decision to relocate the examination to another day was in light of the increasingly worrying circumstances brought about by the novel coronavirus, Covid-19. In Guyana, five cases, including one death, have been recorded. But in neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago, there were some 65 confirmed cases up to Thursday night.
Some precautionary measures outlined have requested that public gatherings and non-essential travel be discouraged; that competent agencies continue to patrol irregular border crossings; and that there be enhanced sensitization of key personnel at all air and seaports. Health authorities have indicated that one of the ways to prevent contracting the Covid-19 virus is by boosting the immune system while disinfecting frequently-contacted surroundings. It is advisable to sanitize or wash hands frequently, and avoid touching the face.
COVID-19 is affecting 198 countries and territories around the world, and one international conveyance – the Diamond Princess cruise ship harboured in Yokohama, Japan.