Denita Prowell: touching lives through fitness

By Timothy Jaikarran

For many, getting fit is the ideal goal in life, but with a rampant pandemic at large, getting fit in such a season is needed more than anything.
For Denita Prowell, fitness has become life. she started her journey, and over the months, has gained some followers on her various social media platforms. Her workout schedules entail some of the simplest yet entertaining HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts that are bound to work up a sweat; and to top it all off, these exercises can all be done at home.
In a sit-down with this publication, Denita was asked about her fitness journey, and she responded, “I started in 2016. I was going through a tough time, and I found that reading was an excellent way to cope. It helped me to get my mind in the right place.
“I also saw that my BMI (body mass index) showed that I was overweight, so I decided that I was going to lower my weight, and then I realised I should really get involved in fitness, as it makes me feel better at the end of the day or week. It was a definite benefit for my mental health.”

Q: So what made you want to start?
A: “So, the plan that I have right now, because of the enthusiasm I have for fitness and, as you know, I’d post pictures of myself and people would be inspired. And I was informed that I should put something out there that people should follow.
“The fitness plan that I have, I do it not because people suggested it, but I also see great health benefits for myself.”

Q: What type of works are you doing?
A: Most of the time I have been doing cardio, but I have made a promise to myself that I would use this year to tone up my body. So, my current project at the moment is the toning and sculpting of my legs and thighs. I mean, usually I would hit the gym for that, but because of COVID-19 pandemic, I do them at home as I wait for this pandemic to subside.

Q: What do you hope to gain from this?
A: “Well, as mentioned, when I share my videos, I hope to inspire those at home. I want everyone to be active and experience that same level of benefit that I have received. I just want them to know that, besides improving their mental health, they can also lessen their chances of contracting non-communicable diseases.”

For those interested, Prowell can be followed on Instagram via depro_well, or by her YouTube channel: Denita Prowell.