Deteriorating state of Charity Wharf worrying – vendors
Vendors plying their trade on the Charity Marketing Centre Wharf on the Essequibo Coast in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) on Wednesday raised concerns about their safety as a result of the deteriorating state of the facility.
A section of the wharf which poses danger to vendors and commuters alike
The area houses numerous businesses. Vendors told this publication that their major fear is that the structure, if not repaired, will collapse into the Pomeroon River. They added that this will not only result in millions of dollars in losses but the lives of persons will be under threat.
A visit to the structure by this publication shows that the Marketing Centre, which is built with solid concrete and sits on wooden piles sink about 12 inches below the wooden wharf which is built around it to facilitate the mooring of boats to on and offload produce.
A look under the structure when the tide is low revealed the dangers posed by the rotting wooden piles that were driven into the river bed to hold the concrete structure.
Vendors and residents who spoke with this publication noted that several promises are being made but nothing is being done to repair the structure.