Disgraced Nagamootoo emerges from his slumber to again betray Cheddi Jagan

For anyone who insists Cheddi Jagan was their mentor and leader; that Cheddi was their hero; NEVER AGAIN must be our motto. Never again will we allow anyone to thief an election in Guyana. People who genuinely supported and aligned themselves with the great Cheddi Jagan could never have supported rigged elections – cannot now, cannot ever – nor can they ever excuse any effort to thief elections. Cheddi Jagan believed in democracy; he believed that free and fair elections cannot be separated from freedom and democracy.
On Sunday last, Guyanese observed the 24th death anniversary of Cheddi Jagan. Some of us gathered in places to celebrate his successes and what he did for our country. We remembered him fondly, but also recommitted ourselves to always defend the right of every Guyanese to a free and fair election.
The majority of Guyanese stood firmly and resolutely in defiance of the David Granger-led rigging cabal last March. As Guyanese, we can never forget March 2 and the events after March 2, 2020, which led to a five-month-long siege, during which the most brazen attempt ever to thief an election played out for the whole world to see.
One of the men who were part of Granger’s rigging cabal was Moses Nagamootoo. At the same time Guyanese celebrated the life of Guyana’s fiercest champion of democracy, Cheddi Jagan, we also observed the first anniversary of the March 2020 brazen heist of our democracy. We prevented that theft by a strong, robust Guyanese standoff, and through the solidarity of international observer groups and governments. The Irfaan Ali-led PPP Government was not installed by any foreign government, but it was enshrined with legitimacy by the majority of Guyanese.
On the 24th anniversary of Cheddi’s death, we are also observing the first anniversary of the disgraceful attempt to thief our elections. Moses Nagamootoo, who had betrayed Cheddi and the PPP, chose this time to emerge out of hiding. This shameless man sought to reclaim a place as one of Cheddi’s disciples. He conveniently ignored his monumental betrayal of Cheddi when he joined Burnham’s party. Make no mistake, that is what he did in 2011 when he joined Ramjattan, Holder and Trotman in the AFC. The AFC was just an appendage of the PNC. In 2015, the AFC made it public that it was part of the PNC when those two parties signed the Valentine’s Day Cummingsburg Accord. The APNU/AFC is nothing but a disguise for the PNC, Burnham’s party. In fact, not only did Nagamootoo join Burnham’s party, but he immediately began “dissing” Jagan. He went from singing, “This one is for you, pa”, as he used to say when he lifted the cup, to, “This one is for you, Kabaka”. He donned his green shirt with pride, and he went every year to Burnham’s mausoleum in the Botanical Gardens, laid his wreath, and praised the dictator Burnham. He abandoned his place as Cheddi’s disciple and opted to be a lapdog for Burnham.
Now that he is in the political doldrums, he is worming his way back to Cheddi’s world. He is reclaiming a place among Cheddi’s disciples. But, like a slimy snake, he praises Cheddi with poison in his hiss. He holds on to the fake narrative that the Americans, Caricom and others in the ABCE world joined with the PPP to rig the March 2020 elections. He claims Cheddi’s spirit is nauseated to see how the PPP is in bed with the imperialists. He refuses to concede that the PPP won the elections freely and fairly.
This same Nagamootoo has never asked his party to show him their SOPs. He excuses Mingo’s fabrication of numbers in the SOPs; he excuses Lowenfield’s gross tampering with the results, but accuses the PPP of being in bed with imperialists. He is now demanding we abandon plans to introduce the Order of Democracy award. Nagamootoo has nightmares that the award will be made to always remind the riggers that we will never allow them to ever again come close to thieving an election.
While decent Guyanese remembered Cheddi on the 24th anniversary of his death; while Guyanese reflected, one year after, how close we came to having the March 2, 2020 elections stolen by the PNC, the sugar workers, for whom Cheddi fought his whole life, were achieving a weekly production bonus for the first time since early 2019. Nagamootoo did not notice, even though he once proclaimed himself to be the “champion of the sugar workers”. But Cheddi was not the only one Nagamootoo betrayed. He betrayed the sugar workers. When 7,000 sugar workers lost their jobs, he was one of the persons responsible. When sugar workers had their wages frozen between 2015 and 2020, he was the Prime Minister of the Government that victimised the sugar workers. This was a good time for Nagamootoo to find redemption by praising Cheddi, acknowledging the sugar workers’ resilience and accepting that Cheddi’s party, the PPP, won the March 2, 2020 elections.
Nagamootoo is nothing but a traitor and a disgrace.