Kwakwani Untouchables, Stabroek Eagles, and Plaisance Guardians on Sunday found themselves in the winners’ circle at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall as the Guyana Basketball Federation’s One Guyana Premier Basketball League continued.
After two previous losses, the Plaisance Guardians battled the Kings in the opening fixture. The Guardians came out to fight in the first quarter and established an early three-point lead, 17-14.
With both teams’ offence shining, the spectators got a look at spectacular buckets, but the Guardians once again got ahead of their opponents, scoring 16 points to the Kings’ 7 as the scoreboard showed 31-21 second-quarter tally.
Coming in from the half with a 10-point deficit, the Kings managed to outscore the Guardians by one point 14-13, but it was not enough to overturn the Guardians’ lead with the score at 44-35.
The Plaisance side then scored 16 points in the final quarter to bag a 14-point victory over the Kings, who were limited to 15 points, with the Guardians maximising their chances of rising from the group stage.
Stabroek Eagles Zion Gray(Red) look to contain the attack of GDF
The second match of the night saw an undefeated Kwakwani Untouchables face the Black Mambas. From the very first quarter, spectators witnessed amazing dunks in an exhilarating basketball display. At the end of the first quarter, the teams were separated by one point, 15-14 in favour of the Untouchables.
Again, at the end of the second quarter, the teams were separated by one point, but this time in favour of the Mambas as the side swished 16 points while the Untouchables scored 15 for a 31-30 scoreline.
The Untouchables with their fast style of play turned their one-point deficit in the third quarter into a three-point lead as they pocketed 24 points and limited their opponents to 20 points for a 54-50 margin.
A series of unanswered buckets in the fourth quarter led to Kwakwani Untouchables handing the Mambas an eight-point defeat 70-78, as they scored 24 points to the Mambas’ 19.
With 20 points was Kadeem Dover as he was the driving force behind Kwakwani Untouchables’ offensive attack followed by Captain Domair Gladstone with 15 points while for the other team, Captain Brandon Bento led with 17 points followed by Omar Vincente with 12 points.
The undefeated Stabroek Eagles closed the day’s proceedings as they dominated the GDF in 16-point victory that showcased their ability to counter to the basket and restrict their opponents’ offence.