Eid-ul-Adha encompasses act of purity – Imam Aabidi
Eid-ul-Adha is a Muslim holiday which symbolises, among many aspects, purity. This is according to President and Imam of the Al-Mustafa Islamic Trust, Maulana Tasdeeq Aabidi.
The religious holiday, which was celebrated by Muslims across Guyana and millions around the world, reminds of the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his only son, Ishmael in obedience to God.
Imam Aabidi explained to Guyana Times on Monday, that through this sacrifice, Muslims are made pure. But although Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son, Allah spared his life and an animal was butchered instead.
According to Imam Aabidi, “Eid means returning back. Returning back here means returning to our instinct nature and in terms of celebration…any joyful event, we call it Eid. So Eid-ul-Adha means Eid in which we offer a sacrifice, normally sacrificing an animal”.
Animals such as sheep, goats, cows and even camels are slaughtered on this day to remind Muslims of the kindness of Allah.
According to the Muslims’ holy book, the Quran, the Prophet Ibrahim, through his dream, received a command by Allah to sacrifice his own son Ishmael. The Imam explained that the Prophet’s son was also ready to obey this command so they both journeyed to a special place called Mina in Saudi Arabia to perform the ritual. “So he took his son and he closed his eyes, ‘cause he didn’t want to see his son with blood, and slaughtered his son, assuming that his son is slaughtered then once he opened his eyes he saw God almighty replaced a sheep in place of Ishmael,” the Imam preached.
He added that Muslims have been continuing this act to remind them of the kindness of Allah. They also purify themselves by performing same. The act teaches them to sacrifice their time, ego and wishes for a better life, community and for the harmony of society.
Before Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated, some Muslims fast, while others pilgrim.
“This month in which we are in is the last month in the Islamic lunar calendar. On the 9th of this month, the pilgrim starts their Hajj. Hajj is divided into two part, one is umrah they would do before it where they go to the Holy Kaaba [House of God in Saudi Arabia] and circle seven times and they perform walking between the Safa and Marwa and certain other actions. After that, they start their Hajj. The Hajj starts from [the] 9th of this month. On this day, they go in a particular place called Arafat for prayers and other things. On this day some people fast while others choose not to. On the 10th day, Muslims march from Arafat to throw pebbles, another ritual. On the 10th morning, they go to the Mina, then go to slaughter their animals then they come back and shave their heads,” it was explained.
Those who are not pilgrimaging would on this day sacrifice an animal to uphold this event. They would share the meat to the needy, family members and neighbours.
Eid-ul-Adha, like other Muslim holidays, is determined by the sighting of the moon. The Imam said that every month, Muslims look for the moon and once it is sighted, the following day is regarded as the first day of the month. “This month like 10 days before [Monday] we saw the moon and once the moon is sighted from the next day we calculate the first day up to the 10th day of the month is Eid,” he said.
Along with the slaughtering of animals, Muslims also celebrate this day by making various delicacies such as mithai and others. They usually distribute these sweets and even food to the less fortunate and neighbours to strengthen the bond of brotherhood as was explained by the Imam.