Elected local representatives of Linden have a unique and privileged position

Dear Editor,
The Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration along with its members would like to congratulate all the Councillors elected to serve on the 4th Linden Municipality Council.
We wish to thank the candidates who participated in the process, the backers and others who made their nominations possible. We also wish to thank everyone else who made this success a reality.
Our hope is that this Council’s focus will be on planning, implementing and facilitating educational enlightening and exceptional development programs, including activities and events which will help to accomplish the mission, vision and goals of the Council as well as enhance the linden Mayor & Town Council’s values in Linden.
However, being a Councillor is hard work. Every day you will be expected to balance the needs of your communities, your residents and voters, community groups, local businesses, your political party ( if you belong to one ) and the Council. All will make legitimate demands of your time – on top of your personal commitments to family, friends and the workplace.
As Councillors you will have many different roles to balance. Being the local elected representative, you will engage with residents and groups on a wide range of different issues and take on an important community leadership role.
At the Council you will contribute to the development of policies and strategies, including budget setting, and you may be involved in scrutinising Council decisions or making decisions on planning. Councillors, your primary role is to represent your constituencies and the people who live in it. Councillors, you provide a bridge between the communities and the Council. As well as being an advocate for your local residents and directing them to the right people at the Council, you will need to keep them informed about the issues that affect them.
In order to understand and represent local views and priorities, you need to build strong relationships and encourage local people to make their views known and engage with you and the Council. Good communication and engagement is central to being effective Councillors.
As local Councillors, your residents will expect you to:
• respond to their queries and investigate their concerns
• communicate Council decisions that affect them
• know your patch and be aware of any problems
• know and work with representatives of local organisations, interest groups, youth groups and businesses
• represent their views at Council meetings
• lead local campaigns on their behalf.
It is our belief that the diversity of this Council will foster greater unity and co-operation since residents of linden will have full representation which will strengthen the democratic process, thereby allowing a greater say in the governance of the respective communities. It will also help to build trust among various ethnic groups where everyone will feel respected as they would become an integral part of the decision making process of the Council.
Councillors, you must promote greater accountability, as elected representatives you are answerable directly to the people in your immediate communities. Linden has so many talented and educated citizens, please involve them in building our local communities and take advantage of the talent that resides in various organisations, youth groups and political parties in order to promote progress in Linden.
Given the history of Linden and its political landscape, let’s prepare and develop visionary leadership skills among the hundreds of residents who will be involved in the consultation and leadership processes of their local communities
Note that the traits of good leaders are common across disciplines, professions and geographical regions. Community leadership is unique in its approach and goals. Remember, as Councillors your leadership is not about managing or even coordinating and it is certainly not about dictating or imposing your ideas onto others. Your leadership must be part education, part inspiration, and part mobilisation.
Maximise your strengths Councillors and ensure that everyone on the team is making a meaningful contribution in representing their communities. Some individuals may have a strong need for control. Others may have a deep need to be appreciated for their time and service. As Councillors your job is to balance everyone’s needs and keep your sights focused on jobs/works that need to be done to keep Linden and her communities progressing toward the 21st Century.
There is the myth that leaders lead and doers do, but as Linden municipality Councillors lead by example and consult with residents, it has proven to be best to get residents to buy in to any project. Above everything else Councillors, it is about the people who live with you and near you. The people who form the communities are the beneficiaries, but also those who, you as Councillors are accountable to.
It is not just about policies, processes or procedures. More than anything, it is about the people of Linden. The PPP/C, during the 2018 LGE outreaches called for the practice of stewardship in the new Council, getting residents to take responsibility for their physical spaces and surroundings. This includes natural areas, structures and spaces.
Stewardship is working together to protect, preserve and take care of your communities. This involves renewing, repairing, rebuilding and constantly reviewing your physical communities to ensure that it is healthy, strong and well-maintained. Let us all think forward, there is a saying in some communities about thinking five generations ahead, let’s not think for today only, or even tomorrow , but being able to make wise decisions that will still benefit the residents long after this current Council has dissolved
Residents your future, our future, young and old depends on the effectiveness of this Council to get the job done , let’s give them our support and work together as a team for development as our Councillors address and correct the issues that are affecting our daily lives . We must ensure that consultation is always a transparent process with our Councillors.
Let’s enrich the lives of Lindeners

Your sincerely,
David Adams