Guillermo Escarraga of the Machinery Corporation of Guyana (Macorp) is seemingly set to ‘write his name in a prominent place’ in the upcoming Guyana Open 2019 tournament, having comprehensively outperformed the field with a superb net 61 off of a 21 handicap in the Banks DIH annual Golf Extravaganza of Sunday, October 20 last.
The winners are, from left: Aleem Hussain, Jerome Khan, Avinash Persaud, Avinda Kishore, Mike Gayadin, Miguel Oviedo representing Guillermo Escarraga, Mahindranauth Tewari, Maxim Mangra and Gavin Todd of Banks DIH
For the upcoming Guyana Open, new faces could be in the Winners’ Row in the 19-28 flight, as Guillermo’s net 61 was the overall best net performance for the day, and was way ahead of the score of past Lusignan Golf Club President Jerome Khan, who was second with net 70 off handicap 24.
Following at a distance, other golfers in that flight were: Mauro Remiro and Miguel Oviedo, who each scored 78/28; Jordi Pinol (86/28), Lloyd Fung-A-Fat (87/28), Mario Acuna (89/28), Eion Blue (90/28) and Solomon Bannister (96/28).
Noticeable in the tournament of the day before (Saturday, October 19), Escarraga came in a close second (67/22) behind recently returned Nirmaldeo Sarwan (66/24), who could himself be a keen contender in that category.
Performances in the 10-18 ‘B’ flight are generally less predictable, as this flight has the largest group of golfers.
Sunday’s winners were Mike Gayadin (64/14) and Mahindranauth Tewari (67/15). They were followed by Bridgelall Harry (68/16), Lakram Ramsundar (69/18), Rakesh Harry (71/18), Satrohan Tiwari (73/16), Aasrodeen Shaw (74/13), Deoram Dinanath (74/15), Hilbert Shields (74/16), and George Bulkan and Ian Gouveia (75/16) in the range below 76 net.
By comparison, Saturday’s winners were Pur Persaud (64/16), and Satrohan Tiwari (70/16).
Sunday’s results in the 0-9 category also intimate possible new faces for the Guyana Open 2019 Winners’ Row. While 9-time Guyana Open champion Avinash Persaud retained the Best Gross score with 73, his younger brother Avinda Kishore, a previous Guyana Open winner, in producing a gross of 75, seems set on laying a challenge for the title of Champion this year.
Net winners in this category were Avinda Kishore (70/5) and Avinash Persaud (71/2). The performances of Mike Mangal (72/9), Aleem Hussain (73/8), Alfred Mentore (74/9) and Patrick Prashad (75/9) intimate that they also are likely to offer stiff competition for the championship.
In the specialty prize area, Longest Drive was won by Avinda Kishore, while Nearest the Pin was won by Mahindranauth Tewari.
Representing Banks DIH was Gavin Todd – a Director of Banks DIH and a veteran golfer, who was on hand to distribute prizes and congratulate winners of Sunday’s tournament. He disclosed that Banks is willingness to continue supporting the progress of the LGC.