Essequibo Cricket Board announces squad for GCB Under-15 tourney
The Essequibo Cricket Board (ECB) has named its 15-member Under-15 squad and five reserves to contest the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) Under-15 inter-county tournament to be held in March in Georgetown.
The team were selected after three days of trials at the Imam Bacchus Cricket Ground, Affiance, Essequibo Coast. Initially, 48 young cricketers from seven Area Committees affiliated to the ECB attended the trials.
The Coach, Manager, Captain and Vice Captain will be named before the team depart for the tournament.
Players selected are: Omarion Smith, Ethan Silas, Ravid Fredricks, Earo Benjimin, Nazaam Mohamed, Bomesh Lall, Virendra Pooran, Krishna Gobardhan, Videsh Rooplall, Rakesh Kellawan, Zandon Rose, Hemant Sukdio, Nicholas Lovell, Elisha Ramdatt, and Christopher Williams.
Reserves are: Rondel Singh, Jadesh Shadeo, Ian Kanhai, Mondel Edwards, and Khemol Harakram.