Eureka Giddings reached top spot with partner Roy Cummings in an exciting 9-hole Better Ball tournament run off by the Lusignan Golf Club on Wednesday, May 1, 2019.
From left: President Aleem Hussain, Roland Buell, Maxim Mangra, Roy Cummings, Eureka Giddings; and golfers Solomon Bannister and another, who were supporters of the day’s tournament
The Better Ball format is a variation in golf which allows two persons to play as a team. Each player is given an opportunity to play a ball at each legitimate time of play, and the ball which was played better is accepted as the ball of play, the other played ball being ignored.
Teams were formed by grouping low-handicap golfers (much better players) with high-handicap golfers (learners, or regular or older players)! In addition, the handicap of the team was determined by first taking half of the high handicapper’s rating because of 9 holes of play (which is half of the course of 18 holes) and then dividing it again by 2, so as to consider it shared between the two players.
A team with two players of individual handicaps 10 and 28 for instance, would now be given a team handicap of 7. Prizes were awarded for 1st to 3rd places in the net performances.
At the end of play, winners were: Eureka Giddings & Roy Cummings (net 28/hcap 7) – 1st; Maxim Mangra & Roland Buell (29/12) – 2nd; and E. Bispat & David Harry (31/6) – 3rd. Very close competition came from a tie at 4th place between teams Rigo Serventi & Aleem Hussain and Maurice Solomon & Mike Mangal, both returning a 32/5 performance.
Club President Aleem Hussain and Dr Joan Deo are currently in Barbados competing in the Garry Sobers ‘Festival of Golf’ international tournament. The tournament is being hosted by Denis ‘Denny’ Foster, and is being played over three days at three clubs; namely, the Sandy Lane and Royal Westmoreland in St James, and at the Barbados Golf Club at Durants, Christ Church.
Hussain is the LGC Club Champion, having won several individual tournaments at the LGC over the past year. Dr Deo is a former Guyana International Open Ladies Champion and the current (2018) Suriname International Open Ladies Champion.