Home Letters Exposing all corrupt activities by officials at GECOM
Dear Editor,
The recent daylight attack on the home of Chief Justice Roxane George bears all marks of the bullish brand and flagrant desperation that our nation and the world witnessed from the APNU/AFC cabal since the valid No-Confidence Motion. The terroristic “toy-gun tantrum” cannot be taken lightly! Rather, the occurrence and threats must be vehemently rejected and opposed, while every effort to ensure the arrest of culprit messenger must be used to expose the true authors of his mission.
It is a known fact that this brilliant and certainly sober-minded Chief Justice has in the past, acted decisively without fear or favour, in defending the autonomy of the Judiciary as a key pillar of our democracy and Government. The rulings of the Caribbean Court of Justice on her instructive decisions, confirm her esteemed judicial qualifications and exercise of judgement, which provides broad-based confidence. In this respect, it cannot be overemphasised that no effort must be spared in always protecting the pillars of impartiality, fairness, and transparency of our Judicial arm of Government.
Given the level of outlandishness we have seen from Senior APNU/AFC conspirators and their suspected agents in the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), the situation demands the Government’s strongest considerations. While we are confident in the fearless stand of our venerated Chief Justice, the nation’s highest trained team of security forces must provide the highest quality of service to her personal self, together with her immediate family.
Editor, it is no longer surprising that after fooling their supporters for months by highlighting and conveying an absolute refusal to exit the offices of Government, our citizens relegated Opposition are now attempting to persuade supporters that the PNC’s election petition will put the legal PPP/C Government out of Office. Except for a few clearly sadistic-minded individuals, the Guyanese people are ready and willing to move forward in harmony. These attempts at intimidation, therefore, will not work.
From the evidence derived from the vote recount process and results, it must be now crystal clear to all Guyanese that it was the same illegal, fraudulent spreadsheet used in 2011, which created the opportunity for the APNU/AFC to rig those elections. There are certainly many questions to be answered, and our nation deserves to know the truth. Indeed, the answers to these questions inform the reasons why there is such a vehement public outcry for the injustice of the delay in hearing the PPP/C’s 2015 petition to be ventilated.
It is recalled that myself, among several duly appointed PPP/C officials, were at the GECOM building on High Street when GECOM Returning Officer Melanie Marshall agreed to revisit the Statements of Poll. In the process, she feigned sickness and the commenced process ended abruptly. This resulted in the Granger cabal being wickedly entrusted into Government. After five years, the PPP/C is still waiting for the 2015 election petition to see the daylight.
At those 2015 elections as well as those in 2020, strong evidence existed of GECOM officials being complicit in characteristic unsavoury biased roles. In the former, several issues such as the dumping of Disciplined Services votes at particular Polling Stations; the tearing out of ballot sheets from one polling booth and transferring same to other polling booths by GECOM election officials without any record occurred.
The PPP/C still has a strong 2015 Election Petition and a remedy by the Judiciary is certainly anticipated, even if the results mean a revelation of the truth. Politically, this is significant and fair, given that there will be disclosure of the true character of those corrupt actors who are continuous in their fraudulent attempts. Further, it will assist in cleansing the certainly contaminated and seemingly poisoned institution.
The hearing of the 2020 election petitions must be a transparent process. It is notable that smoothness of the voting process throughout the country generated no reported reasons for any queries. It is, therefore, necessary to ventilate how some of the recount discoveries occurred without any intervention from Senior GECOM officials. Is it that they were creating a mechanism for query?
The most important document for the elections officials to confirm and validate the election results is the Statements of Poll (SoPs). It is on record that David Granger and the APNU/AFC 2020 elections Campaign Manager Joseph Harmon said that the 2020 National and Regional Elections was free and fair. The APNU/AFC was demanding that Granger be sworn in as President with the same results. So why did APNU/AFC and the Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield hide their SoPs? These positions must be thoroughly ventilated when the matters are called.
After five long months and the intervention of Caricom, the powerful international observers’ teams, the imminent international diplomats in Guyana along with the united Guyanese political parties, the opportunists PNC cabals were forced to accept that Dr Irfaan Ali was the truly winning and deserving candidate. Fortunately, the vote counts were significant enough to overwhelm the seemingly orchestrated errors. After the full scrutiny, all allegations of irregularities and improprieties must also be exposed, and the culprits condignly dealt with.
The two petitions must be used to expose all GECOM corrupt activities and officials, as well as other complicit conspirators.
Neil Kumar