A family of four is now counting their losses after an afternoon fire destroyed the front building of a Lot 5 Block

R North Sophia, Greater Georgetown property.
The fire began at about 18:15h. It is suspected to have originated in the bottom flat of the building and quickly caught onto a mattress before reaching a wooded beam and engulfing the rest of the house. At the time of the fire, no one was at home.
Mahadeo Mansaram, who lives next door, related that his daughter was the one who noticed the smoke emanating from the building and raised an alarm.
He explained that he, along with neighbours formed a bucket brigade and contained the fire until the Guyana Fire Service arrived on the scene.
A speedy response by the Fire Service ensured that the blaze was contained to one building and minor scorches to the neighbouring properties, despite having limited water in the truck.
One of the occupants of the building, Daniel Beckles related to Guyana Times that the property is uninsured and had it recently valued at $17 million.
Up to press time, the origins of the fire remains unknown as Fire Service officials are still investigating the incident.