GECOM must fill all vacancies, but there should be no place for riggers

Dear Editor,
A recent Stabroek News article, captioned “GECOM to re-advertise for DCEO, ACEO posts”, posits that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is expected to re-advertise for applications to fill the vacant posts of Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO) and Assistant Chief Elections Officer (ACEO). While the official source of this position was not released by GECOM’s Public Relations Department, the article quotes its basis as APNU/AFC Commissioner Vincent Alexander, who said that that position was taken at the statutory meeting of the Commission.
There has been no official correction from GECOM, implying some accuracy of the statement. One would rationalise from this backdrop that the Commission may not have been satisfied with the preliminary shortlisted options considered from the pool of applicants to fill these vacancies. However, it is conflicting and confusing that those who were included in the preliminary shortlist were further shortlisted for the post.
Notably, the process commenced in October 2021, and the filling of these critical positions must be addressed with an objective, decisive candour for the smooth holding of free and fair elections.
Notably, there are other categories of positions to be re-advertised, including the post of Chief Accountant, for which other applicants, including Jaiwattie Singh, Abeossa Simon, Orlando Small, Victor Arjune, and Ronald Charles, were previously shortlisted.
It does not auger well, for the indication presented is that controversies are surrounding the hiring process. To this, the Chair and Commissioners MUST be assertive. Based on GECOM’s previous publication of shortlisted applicants, one anticipates in the least that it was partially intended to serve the public transparency notification criterion, and invite public feedback regarding the applicants.
There were many facts-based negative concerns in the instances of Melanie Marshall and Duarte Hetsberger to confirm that no consideration must be given to the likes of these questionable characters. The contextual mixed signals presented, therefore, suggest that these persons are being presented with a backdoor key for re-entry into the organisation.
The DCEO and ACEO must be persons of unquestionable integrity if GECOM is to fully regain the confidence of our nation. Every citizen has a right to condemn all those GECOM employees who played a part in holding our democracy to ransom for five long months following the March 2020 polls. While the decision to re-advertise for DCEO, ACEO, and Chief Accountant is most welcome, the suggestion of reservations touted by Alexander in favour of a tarnished few is tantamount to planting weeds in a garden that is being cleaned.
Contextually, the allegations against Keith Lowenfield and other former GECOM Secretariat staff members must be treated seriously. It is therefore necessary and appropriate to ensure the degutting of the many ‘phantom’ workers from association with the system, and the ridiculous contracts in ensuring that the obnoxious purchases that were made at GECOM are things of the past.
GECOM Chair, Justice (retired) Claudette Singh, must be allowed the latitude to credibly do her work. Some of the former employees were dismissed due to demonstrated incompetence, bad behaviour, rum drinking on the job, and fighting. Some of them are before the courts for wrongdoing, because they were promised that the PNC would not give up even if they lost the elections, in influencing those persons to do the dirty jobs. While key evidence against many of these staffers may have been deliberately destroyed, the grey areas must be addressed with caution and adequate counter-checks. As such, Justice Claudette Singh must make sure there are mechanisms to affirm, at minimum, background checks to identify acceptable levels of integrity in the men and women that are employed at GECOM.
As we follow this Continuous Registration process, the results to date confirm significant measures of success in achieving the intended purpose and results. Notwithstanding, we need to get all possible eligible persons to register now, as there will not be another period of Continuous Registration during this calendar year. Hence, for our citizens who are now qualified based on the 14 years’ age criterion, it is necessary to make sure that they make use of the process to secure their Identification Cards. For others, who now or will qualify as first-time voters based on their birth dates, it is critical and essential to make sure they get on the Voters’ List, and be able to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming Local Government Elections.
Editor, please permit me the space to applaud the positive “Day of Fasting and Prayers” initiative advanced and led by His Excellency President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali. The overwhelming attendance and success of the programme highlight the recognition and need for sincere divine intervention and guidance in utilising every vehicle in the moulding of the thematic ‘one Guyana for all citizens’ platform.’ We must continue to work together, and we shall achieve together! It was therefore enterprising to witness members of the Parliamentary Opposition present and supporting the endeavour.
It will be remiss of me not to observe the PNCR’s ‘hop-scotch’ process. We are seeing the return to Parliament of Aubrey Norton and Volda Lawrence, the self-proclaimed ‘Racist’ who publicly said she is only employing PNC people. While Mr. Granger’s hands may have been tied, for many, it is indeed sad to see the return to Parliament of the two rejects. The situation lends justified conclusions about the thin spread of capacity in the party. The civilised world must give way to the younger generation, and racist and self-opinionated persons must step aside and allow people with better judgment to prevail.
In the same vein, permit me to remind all stakeholders that there is no room for RIGGERS at GECOM!

Neil Kumar